Tuesday, January 19, 2016

What about Bob? Doesn't he count too?

Former FBI agent Robert Levinson had gone missing in Iran on March 9, 2007 while on an unauthorized mission for the CIA and the United States of America. 

Bob Levinson was not one of the hostages Iran has released because they claim they don't know his whereabouts. And if you believe Iran is telling the truth, then I believe you are probably happy with the nuclear deal we reached with the terrorist nation.

Levinson's family doesn't believe Iran either. Why should they? It's obvious the Iranian government took him and either killed him or locked him away somewhere. Sadly, I believe the former hypothesis over the latter.

But the most disgusting part of this story is the fact that the Obama government never got in touch with the Levinson family until they called them.

"We had to learn it from the TV ourselves, and that's very disappointing and heartbreaking," Christine Levinson, Bob's wife, said. She told ABC news that she felt "extremely betrayed" by the White House and had attempted (unsuccessfully) to have a "face-to-face" meeting with administration officials.

White House Deputy National Security Adviser Lisa Monaco called the Levinsons to apologize and lied that the Obama administration meant to inform her before the news broke, but it was all Iran's fault for prematurely leaking the news.

The Levinsons are quite happy for the other families. They know the anguish the others went through as they did. But Dan Levinson, Bob's son, told the Associated Press that "once again, he's been left behind."

In discussing the situation, Obama claimed that the U.S. would continue working to find Bob Levinson.
Kerry plays "Follow the Leader"

Reporters asked John Kerry whether Levinson was still alive, the Vietnamese Communist Museum celebrant said, "We have no idea."

And that categorizes the entire Obama administration: they have no idea.

If Robert Levinson was not a Jew, perhaps, just perhaps, things might be different.

I'm so glad the others were freed, but the reason they've been freed now is not due to Obama's negotiating prowess, it's because of his lack of negotiating prowess. These men had languished in Evan Prison far too long. 

This administration is run by incompetent, apologetic weaklings.

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