Monday, January 18, 2016

Syriac Christian women make Syrian men look Obama-esque

While young, strong, able-bodied Syrian men flee their country, refusing to defend it from ISIS, the all-female Syriac Christians Brigade, a fully volunteer unit, just graduated its second class this month. 

These women will not be moved without a fight.

They are known as the "Female Protection Forces of the Land Between the Two Rivers." This refers to the historically Syriac-inhabited land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. They are mothers, wives and professionals. They are Christians who pray in Aramaic, the language of Jesus.

The first group of women graduated from a training camp in Al-Qahtaniyeh in December. The Brigade is mainly concerned with protecting Christian areas, and are patterned after fighters of the female Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG).

The first group have already seen combat primarily in the battle to retake Al-Hol, a northeastern town. ISIS held it for over two years. ISIS doesn't like fighting women in combat because if a woman kills them, they can't enter Paradise--they're even sexist pigs when it comes to war.

One woman named Babylonia, said, "I'm a practicing Christian and thinking about my children makes me stronger and more determined in my fight against Daesh (ISIS)." Her husband, also a soldier, encouraged her to leave the kids and fight for their future. Her husband added that she must also fight "against the idea that the Syriac woman is good for nothing except housekeeping and make-up."

ISIS wives, on the other hand, recruit other women to blow themselves up for the new caliphate in order to enter Paradise. Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, an undercover group of activists informed that ISIS now has an all-female volunteer suicide bombing squad.The wives tell the women that their family will get money for their suicide mission and give them some of the cash before they go all to pieces.

Practice is limited to simulation, of course.

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