Tuesday, January 12, 2016

SOTU and POTUS, the empty chair

At tonight's SOTU address, Barack Obama will do what Clint Eastwood did back in the 2012 Republican Convention: use an empty chair as a prop. Eastwood 'spoke' to the chair as if it was Mr. Obama, but Obama will simply allow it to symbolize those killed by gun violence.

So rather than Obama using people as a prop, as he incessantly does when making a public speech, he is exploiting the dead as props and representing them with the chair. 

The chair will be placed in Michelle's sky-box for this purpose.

I wonder what those victims of gun violence would really say if they could somehow be brought back and asked questions.

"Here I was in a crowded movie theater, minding my own business when this crazy person stood in front of the audience and began shooting us. If I had a gun, I'd have shot the bastard, but I didn't and he killed me."

Brian Terry, the Border Patrol agent who was killed in 2010 by an illegal gun that was provided to the Mexican drug cartel by the Obama administration might have said, "Mr. Obama, why did your administration allow those guns to walk? What were you and Erik Holder thinking? I mean, if gun control is so important to you and your administration, why didn't you control the guns your Department of Justice already had control over?"

Then there are the soldiers at Fort Hood who were mercilessly executed by a Muslim "soldier of Allah," Nidal Hasan. Soldiers are trained in the safe and proper use of weapons but military bases are "gun-free" zones, so soldiers who obeyed the law [orders, in this case] did not have the ability to stop Hasan from slaughtering them--one .  .  .  after .  .  .  another.

Plain and simple: gun laws work to the advantage of those who don't obey them to take advantage of those that do.

Clint Eastwood had you pegged perfectly, Mr. Obama--you are an empty chair.

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