Monday, January 4, 2016

Ayatollah in the blue corner, Obama in the red

The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said that if any country steps in the way of "completely Islamic" change resulting from the kerfuffle between Iran and its neighboring nations, he would "punch" that country in the "mouth." Islamic Shi'ite scholars are searching the Qu'ran and Hadith to see exactly how that can be done, or whether the Supreme Leader was speaking metaphorically. 

Nobody knows how one can literally "punch" a country in the "mouth."

The Obama administration is courageously hiding after the Saudis executed a bunch of folks, one of whom was a Shi'ite cleric, Sheikh Nimr. The full tally of executions was 47.

Pro-regime protesters in Iran attempted to "do a Benghazi" by setting fires in the Saudi embassy. The protesters also figured they could loot the place since nobody was stopping them--certainly not the United States.

The Ayatollah booted up his laptop Sunday and tweeted: "Doubtlessly, unfairly-spilled blood of oppressed martyr #SheikhNimr will affect rapidly & Divine revenge will seize Saudi politicians." Due to his lack of character space on Twitter, he then tweeted: "The only act of #SheikhNimr was outspoken criticism and he promoted virtue and prohibited vice which was due to his religious zeal #SheikhNimr's martyrdom & unfair bloodshed is Saudi govt's political mistake. Islamic world & whole world must be concerned about this crime."

It is unknown if, or how many retweets and favs, the tweets received, but the Supreme Leader was on a role. "Saudi army's oppressing of Bahrainis & destruction of their homes & months of bombing of Yemenis are other cases of Saudi regime's crimes." Then he tweeted: "Surely, martyr #SheikhNimr will be graced by God & no doubt Divine revenge will seize oppressors who killed him & it is the point of relief."

So now the Saudis have expelled Iranian diplomats and all commercial ties will be cut. Saudis will be banned from traveling to Iran which will undoubtedly hurt the houri trade. Bahrain and Sudan have also cut diplomatic ties with the terror nation and the UAE downgraded its ties due to "Iran's continued interference in the Gulf and Arab countries internal affairs." (For more on affairs, see Bill Clinton.)

The State Department admitted that the U.S. knew of the Saudi executions but Obama was in Hawaii and they simply were not a priority. (See also Benghazi.)

Ironically, John Kirby said, "We have previously expressed our concerns about the legal process in Saudi Arabia and have frequently raised these concerns at high levels of the Saudi Government. We reaffirm our calls on the Government of Saudi Arabia to respect and protect human rights, and to ensure fair and transparent judicial proceedings in all cases." Kirby then ironically added, "The United States also urges the Government of Saudi Arabia to permit peaceful expression of dissent and to work together with all community leaders to defuse tensions in the wake of these executions."

The irony mentioned (above) is the fact that the U.S. is having its own wrestling match between the Constitution and Sharia law that CAIR and other Muslims in the nation are pushing to instill. Bill HR 569 is currently in the House of Representatives and is an attempt to do just that. 

So Kirby can say whatever Obama pulls his strings to make him say, but the hypocrisy is palpable. We may say we're concerned about the Saudi legal process, but we're well aware of it--it's called Sharia.

It appears that Obama is in a pickle. He's using smoke and mirrors in the form of executive orders on gun control, but that's like playing the harmonica on the Hindenburg. 

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