Friday, December 25, 2015

UK knows the Muslim bros

Europe, particularly the UK, seems to be waking up, finally. According to, the UK is accusing the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) of "being sympathetic to terrorists and a risk to British national security." Ya think?

Of course, this is in sharp contrast to the Obama administration who has the MB to the White House for tea, crumpets and strategy talks. Some say the U.S. needs to wake up to the threat of the MB, but I am fairly certain they know exactly with whom they are dealing.

And that is the real scary part.

An internal review of the MB was ordered by Prime Minister David Cameron. The findings of the report, according to Nile Gardiner, director of the Heritage Foundation's Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom are "a damning indictment of the Muslim Brotherhood, and it's a very realistic assessment of the nature of the Brotherhood itself." He went on to tell "The British government has taken a far more serious approach compared to the Obama administration's."

While some of the report is classified, some have been ordered by Cameron to be made public.

What the findings basically show is that the MB puts on a "front" by renouncing violence, but in reality they have defended Hamas' terrorist attacks on Israelis and have even justified attacks against coalition forces in the U.S. and Afghanistan.

But like the "crazy-making" parents of a schizophrenic child, the MB leaders have made claims that the 9-11 attacks were fabricated by the United States government in order to justify our attacks on Muslim countries. Alex Jones would be proud of them, I suspect.

The report says that even though the MB prefers non-violent strategies on the grounds of expediency, "they are prepared to countenance violence--including, from time to time, terrorism--where gradualism is ineffective."

Egypt declared the MB to be a terrorist organization in December 2013. Obama, not so much.

While the West praised the Arab Spring revolutions in Egypt and beyond, when Morsi was overthrown, they were embarrassed. Thus, after this recent report, Cameron, chucking his indefatigable PC wisdom finally had enough. He told MPs that association with the MB "should be considered as a possible indicator of extremism."

Okay, so he didn't quite "chuck" his PC, but he at least made an attempt. He said the U.K. would refuse visas to those associated with the MB who have made "extremist" comments [like quoting the Koran, Mr. Cameron?].

Obama, on the other hand, pretends to be neutral. In January 2015 the State Department met with the MB's own Egyptian Freedom and Justice Party. You know, the guys who'd cut the hand off a thief or give 100 lashes to a woman whose body isn't in a bag.

Even the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper described the MB as "mostly secular." He gives "national intelligence" a whole new meaning. 

The MB is as Islamically orthodox as you can get without blowing yourself up.

In many Muslim countries one is not allowed to say Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

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