Monday, December 21, 2015

Hillary attacks Donald who attacks back better

Hillary Clinton said of the GOP front runner, Donald J. Trump, that he was "becoming ISIS's best recruiter." She said that ISIS "is going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists."

She carefully avoided using the term "radical Muslims" even though jihad is an Islamic term. But worse, there is no actual evidence that her claim is true. None.

And it's pretty obvious that ISIS will use anything it can to recruit Muslim jihadists. They use our freedom and democracy to recruit, our Constitution versus their Sharia law, to recruit, anything that goes against their Islamic ideology. I wouldn't be surprised if they wouldn't use Hillary's acceptance of same sex marriage as a recruitment tool.

Trump told Matt Lauer of the "Today Show" that he wants Clinton to apologize for making that statement. Hillary has as much chance of giving Donald an actual apology as Bernie Sanders has of not giving Hillary one. 

"Whether it was Whitewater or the email scandal, she always lies. And now to be saying that we're just right in the perfect spot [to defeat ISIS]," he said, referring to another debate statement she made, "I don't think that's a lie, I think she really doesn't know what she's doing." He went on to say, "She's been a mess no matter where she's been. She has created a mess--look at her record as Secretary of State."

Does Hillary Clinton have a bad relationship with the truth? I discuss it here in part, but there's plenty of evidence that concurs with Trump's assessment (although his statements are also occasionally murky regarding the facts).

Hillary's spokesliar, Jennifer Palmieri struggled with a few verbal contortions in a feeble attempt to defend her boss, as she spoke to ABC's George Stephanopoulos. It was pathetic.

"Um, the uh, uh, you know, Donald Trump, I think, was talking, uh, you know, what Secretary Clinton was saying last night is that one of the many dangerous things about Donald Trump is that, uh, his hot rhetoric, saying we shouldn't allow Muslim refugees into the country is being used, and this is something that [an international group] has who monitors social media and uh, on ISIS has said--" Palmieri babbled as Stephanopoulos interrupted.
"But there have been no videos," he said. 
"Well, what they have said is that they are using him--he is being used in social media by ISIS as propaganda," Palmieri stammered. "She didn't have a particular video in mind, but he's being used in social media, and, uh, you know what they haven't found is the video Mr. Trump keeps talking about, this alleged mystery video of thousands of people in Jersey cheering the collapse of the World Trade Center. But it is true he is being used in social media by, um, ISIS, to, to help recruit and propaganda." 
"But to be clear, you don't have a video, as she said," Stephanopoulos asked.
"She's not referring to a specific video. But he is being used in social media by ISIS as propaganda." 
But she clearly said that Trump appears on videos that are being used by ISIS to recruit jihadists. 

Sorry, that's what Clinton said. Changing the argument to "Well Trump said there are videos with Muslims dancing in the streets in Jersey when the World Trade Center came down," [my paraphrase] is using a post hoc ergo propter hoc argument or perhaps a false analogy. It doesn't change the fact that Hillary is a liar who lies even when she yells "Good morning," to Bill in the next room. 

If you want to see more about Hillary Clinton's short list of lies, Politifact can get you started. However, the site only discusses the more recent lies and doesn't go into the Benghazi scandal, the email scandal that was generated by the Benghazi scandal, and Whitewater. 

This is an excellent video by Rush Limbaugh that clearly explains what Whitewater was all about. 

Hillary should not be in public office, she should be in prison. The notion that she actually could be our next POTUS is frightening.

Hillary has never met a scandal she didn't lie about and never gave an apology she should have given.

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