Friday, October 9, 2015

Teaching Islam covertly in Tennessee

Parents, Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and state lawmakers have serious concerns about the way Islam is being taught in social studies courses in their middle schools.

To fight this so-called Islamophobia, dozens of school districts hired an attorney to create a form letter that keeps the information about Islam from the parents and legislators of the state. "Because the more you know, the more Islamophobic you become," in my opinion.

After all, these "educators" believe there's nothing wrong with demanding kids memorize the five pillars of Islam. And what terrible thing can happen to these Christian kids if they write 'Allah is the only God'?

One parent claimed that over 20 pages of her child's social studies textbook is devoted to the study of Islam. 

Just because that translates into three weeks of classroom study on Islam and is longer in duration than the study on Christianity, is no reason to get upset. We already get lots of Christian teaching at home, right? Now it's Islam's turn.

Laura Jones, a parent of one student said, "In all of the homework my children have ever brought home, I have never seen the level of detail about other religions. I was completely speechless."

Congresswoman Blackburn agrees. "There's a big difference between education and indoctrination," she said in a statement. "It is reprehensible that our school system has exhibited this double-standard more concerned with teaching the practices of Islam than the history of Christianity. Tennessee parents have a right to be outraged and I stand by them in this fight."

Other Republicans are similarly outraged. State Rep. Andrew Holt called for an immediate review of the amount of time being spent on Islam. He blogged: "Tennesseans have seen the radical side of Islam, and many have grown skeptical of this peaceful religion."

Peaceful religion?

The only time Islam is peaceful in the world is when they are in the minority or when they run out of ammunition.

Call me Islamophobic, but a phobia is an irrational fear.

Holt went on to say, "This teaching also occurs while Tennessee students are simultaneously being told they cannot fly American flags and are being discouraged from praying while at school. Many of our children are not being taught the Ten Commandments in school, but instead the Five Pillars of Islam and the 'Prophet Muhammad as a sovereign of Jesus Christ."

I don't believe any religious study be taught in school except for its historical significance. Religion is for home and church (or mosque) but not school.

Paul Galloway, the executive director of the American Center for Outreach, told USA Today that Rep. Blackburn and the parents of these kids don't understand that simply repeating the tenets of Islam won't turn them into Muslims. 

Galloway also said that the word "Allah" in Arabic means "God."

"So, Christians who speak Arabic use the word Allah to talk about God all the time," he said. "There is a basic level of misunderstanding driving this fear and outrage."

But Christians in Tennessee aren't Arabic and "Allah" doesn't equate to what they think of as God. And Muhammad is in no way equal to Jesus Christ in the mind of a Christian, or even anyone who knows what type of person Muhammad was: a mentally ill warrior, an anti-Semite and a pedophile.

The fact that the school districts had to hire an attorney to withhold the truth from parents should tell you something about this religion.

Islam is a religion of peace is as true as: "the more you spend, the more you save."

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