Sunday, October 25, 2015

Hunting bear in sunny Florida

The Florida bear hunt throughout the state ended on Saturday and ended up with 207 bears killed across the state, slightly less than the limit set by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

In total, there were about 99 bears killed in Central Florida, 12 in North Florida, 15 in South and about 81 killed in the panhandle. Due to the shortfall in some parts of the state, hunting will continue until the objective is reached. "

Bear hunt opponents claim the reason for the hunt is due to the number of attacks on human life, but that's like saying an abortion is about women's health. There have only been 4 serious bear attacks on humans over the past several years, but the bigger problem comes from the killing of pets, mostly dogs, and the intrusiveness of the critters into neighborhoods where potential danger can occur. 

In fact, this is Florida's first bear hunt in 21 years and a lawsuit by alleged vegetarians, lost in court.

The week-long hunt is to end when 320 bruins are killed. "The harvest objective was set as the number we want to achieve to stabilize the growing populations," said commission spokesperson Susan Smith. "When we set them, we did so with allowable range, recognizing that the harvest may exceed the objective."

Bear hunt opponents find the word "harvest" to be offensive when it means killing bears, but not so much when it comes to removing organs from dead babies. "We crush above, we crush below to harvest intact brains," is okay for Planned Parenthood's organ harvesters, but not okay for bear hunters, who do no crushing, to say.

In the 1970s there were an estimated 300 bears in all of Florida; now there are over 3000. None of the bruins are Republicans or conservatives so liberals want to protect them just in case they get to vote some day.

Volunteers from Speak Up Wekiva, monitored the hunt from the check-in stations and begged officials to call off the hunt.

One of the first kills came in at the Rock Springs station where a woman shot a lactating female with a .243 Remington. It was clear if the weapon was the Model 770 or the 710, but one thing for sure, it has a factory mounted and bore-sighted 3-9x40 scope, an easy camming 60 degree bolt, a detachable magazine that holds 4 standard or 3 magnum cartridges, and is incredibly accurate for your hunting pleasure. 

At just under $400.00 it makes a great freezer-stuffer.

I understand that one of the protesters didn't like that hunter.

"It's wrong," said Astevia (not the sugar substitute) Willett of Largo. "It's death." 

Astevia may be anti-hunting but she's right about it being death--an incredibly brilliant observation.

I just wonder if she's anti-abortion or pro-abortion and if she's a vegan. 

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