Monday, August 3, 2015

Support falls off Iran deal as liberals awaken from mass comas

If 57% of the American public are against the Iran nuclear deal, while 28% are for the deal, what does that imply beyond the fact that 28% of the public would vote for Jonathan Stewart if he ran against any qualified Republican? 

And of course, it also shows that 15% of the American people are politically brain-dead.

But at least over half of us know how crappy this deal really is, in spite of the rhetoric Obama and his socialists use to defend it. What are they going to say once Iran has the nuke? Oops?

Hairplugs Kerry, our so-called Secretary of State, sounded like a man without a plan in his cruddy sales pitch performance before Congress. He would have fared better if he had been testifying about the evils of our nation in Vietnam.

In the same Quinnipiac poll that made the above findings, respondents also replied by a 58 - 30 margin that the deal would "make the world less safe." The pollsters noted that there is "only lukewarm support from Democrats and overwhelming opposition for Republicans and independent voters." But even so, the Democrat support is merely 52 - 32 while Republican opposition is 86 - 3. 

But sadly, the deal is probably going to pass because Congress is composed of politicians who see their security trumping (you should excuse the term) US security, and they will not get a veto-proof majority to stop it.

With Jon Stewart leaving The Daily Show, Obama must now rely on leftist media like the Washington Post to make his case. The rag is claiming that while the Quinnipiac poll exists, it loses potency because they used generalities rather than specifics. Of course, this is pure beaver crap. In fact, the more you know about the deal, the less you're going to like it--after a mere 10 years, Iran does what it wants to do--build a nuke or ten.

While Iranians fist-bumped, danced in the streets and shouted "Death to America!" Kerry was saying the deal is a good one. 

Yes, it is a good one, if your native language is Farsi.

Iran was gleeful over the interpretation of key issues of the deal, as well as the U.N. votes to lift sanctions that Obama arranged so he could bypass the American people's Congress. They also enjoyed the secret side deals Obama never told us about but we later learned.

That isn't a democratic representation of the people and for the people--it's a power grab, not by the people.

This is why public approval of the deal is dwindling like a Hillary supporter after awakening from a liberal coma--it was done in secret, explained dishonestly, and Obama's interests were put before the American people's needs for security.

Billions of dollars go into the coffers of Iran while 4 of our people remain hostage. This should have been an absolute demand from Kerry, but since when has Lurch, or Obama, ever cared for anything but their own self-interests?

Back in March, the so-called First Lady, celebrated Nowruz in the White House. This is the Iranian spring festival marking the Persian new year. T

The question is, why did Moochelle Obama honor a group of people who comprise less than 1% of our nation, but failed to celebrate "Old Christmas," the Amish holiday? After all, the Amish have been here longer, and contributed more to our society than the Iranians.

Perhaps if the Amish was an Islamic sect, they too would be honored.

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