Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Foxes Guarding the Lions

It has to be embarrassing to be in the military and not be allowed to have a weapon at your disposal when working here at home. After all, every military person gets formal weapons training--the Marine Corps is trained in virtually all hand-held weapons--but is not allowed to use that training to prevent him or her from being a sitting Halal duck.

Why are they exempt from their Second Amendment rights?

Now the public has taken the bull crap by the horns after the Islamic terror attack in Chattanooga, TN, and are using their Second Amendment rights to guard those who guard the USA. 

But the Pentagon is asking individuals who have taken this problem to heart, to not stand guard at military recruiting offices. 

I guess our military gets paid to be sitting Halal ducks.

Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook explained in a statement that Defense Secretary Ash Carter "is currently reviewing recommendations from the services for making our installations and facilities sager--including our recruiting stations." This came after the July 16 attack by a Muslim jihadist named Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez that killed four Marines and one Navy sailor.

Cook added: "While we greatly appreciate the outpouring of support for our recruiters from the American pubic, we ask that individuals not stand guard at recruiting offices as it could adversely impact our mission, and potentially create unintended security risks."

I see the increase in "security risk" to be most notable for the scumcrumpets who try to kill our military. Terrorists will think twice, if they think at all.

I wonder what the recommendations are going to be from the services. Maybe Obama will use his pen to decree that all male military recruiters wear thobes and women recruiters wear jilbabs. 

Wearing their religious clothing ought to deflate their ire.

Maybe our so-called president will have recruiting stations post signs that read: "The Marine Corps is looking for a few good Muslims."

Islamic jihadists interpret the term "good Muslims" as those who follow the scripture, so that would make them, from our way of viewing it, bad Muslims because they are commanded to kill all infidels who refuse to convert to Islam and do not follow that order, whether from ignorance of scripture or refusal to kill indiscriminately. 

But let me be absolutely clear: I do not in any way "hate" Muslims. 

It is Islam that poses the problem and those Muslims who follow the Medina Koran are the problem, not Muslims in general. Most Muslims follow the Mecca-inspired Koran, which was written at a time when Muhammad was weak militarily. But by the time he got to Medina, he had over 10 thousand warriors and suddenly the Koran became less tolerant of infidels.

I don't hate Muslims--I am married to an ex-Muslim, or "apostate." Being an apostate calls for a death sentence in countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia, to name just two.

Religion of tolerance? Peace?

Thank God for the peaceful Muslims.

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