Saturday, March 21, 2015

Swiftboat Kerry Says We're Making Genuine Progress With Iranian Terror State

Sorry, I couldn't help making the title of this post as honest as I could. Kerry never called Iran a terrorist state, and Obama seems to want to pretend that they're going to stay true to their taqiyya-laden word, but who knows? Maybe Obama isn't lying this time and the Ayatolla was only kidding when he has the country shouting "Death to America."

I believe we should secretly import thousands of exploding American and Israeli flags.

But Kerry said that we have made progress toward reaching a nuclear agreement and he is hopeful, rather than dopeful, that we will be able to agree by the March 31st deadline. However, Kerry cautions that "important gaps remain." Yet he also said that "genuine progress" has been made.

Harold Rhode writes about Iran's negotiating behavior, which our president has either never read or if he did, does not care to deal with them in terms of their culture. Dr. Rhode studied at Ferdowsi University in Mashhad during the early stages of the Islamic Revolution. He received a Ph.D. in Islamic history from Columbia University and joined the Office of the  U.S. Secretary of Defense in 1982 and worked as an advisor on Turkey, Iraq, and Iran, just to name a few items on his credentials. I highly recommend his writings on Iran, which will open your eyes to the foolishness with which this administration is displaying in its dealings with this Shi'ite nation.

Iran is highly likely developing a nuclear weapon even while these so-called negotiations are going on. They are also likely laughing at our naivete or at least that of our president. 

But I wonder even more about Valeria Jarrett, his advisor, who was born and raised in Iran. Is she laughing too?

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