Friday, February 27, 2015

Is IS Islamic? You make the call

"This is the finger I use to pick bugs out of his beard"
It was the experts on Islam, President Obama and John Kerry, who said that the Islamic State is not, well, Islamic.

Now I can understand Barack Hussein Obama making that claim, with a name like Barack Hussein, and a boyhood attending madrassa in Indonesia, but John Kerry, not so much.

But all that aside, I believe if you watch the video about ISIS fighters enjoying time off from killing, you will hear their personal and intense Islamic devotion regarding their beliefs. In other words, in their mind, their version of Islam is the only correct one, and those who differ from it are either apostates or infidels who must be killed or subdued (but preferably killed because to them, killing is more fun).

Please turn on your sound and watch as the boys who behead, clear their head with swimming, fishing, and just plain farting around in Iraq. 

Let's hope they brought soap.

I would be great if you comment and tell me whether or not you agree that the Islamic State is, indeed, Islamic, and click on an ad, because I'm not Islamic--I'm a capitalist.

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