Monday, January 5, 2015

News Weak on Christians and the Bible

What is with these left wing media platforms and their attacks on Christians and the Bible? Is it possible to think that atheists who are the most militant are the most conflicted with religion? It is as if their religion is atheism although they will say that it isn't a religion at all.

Now Newsweek is attacking the Bible and Christians. They always seem to be most obnoxious around the Christmas holiday, but have you noticed that they never, never, never have the courage to attack Islam? These purveyors of pussy-courage are afraid of offending the one "religion" that has been causing the most destruction on the planet but they attack Christianity because they're an easy target.

Kurt Eichenwald's essay "The Bible-So Misunderstood it's a Sin" is a cowardly hit piece on the Bible and is a pretentious piece of dreck that Newsweek is trying to pass off as scholarly. 

Eichenwald depicts Evangelical Christians as right-wing fundamentalist, homophobic hypocrites and uses illustrations of the Westboro Baptist Church, snake handlers and Pat Robertson--hardly an accurate representation of Christianity. He is reminiscent of the progressives who, upon hearing Jonathan Gruber call the American voter "stupid" were too elitist to think it was them he was referring to--in spite of their support for it.

When cowards like Eichenwald start to take on Islam and those who follow it, then I might actually take him seriously. As it is, he makes for good blogging material.

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