Saturday, January 10, 2015

MSNBC and the Left Define Islam

The absence of courage is palpable in the press, particularly the liberal, PC, don't make any waves press. They are cowards, leaving journalism to fend for itself and freedom of speech a thing of the past.

In their "brave" reporting about the jihadist massacre in Paris, France, at the satirical weekly paper, Charlie Hebdo, the TV network I call "Marxist Slime Nothing But Sewage" (aka MSNBC) didn't have the courage to actually say precisely who it was that killed 12 people, and why they killed them.

In an online article by Michele Richinick, regarding the killing that took place at a kosher supermarket in Paris, the words "Islamic," "jihad," "Muslim," and "Muhammad," were never once used. Instead, she referred to the Islamic jihadists who killed 4 people and injuring five others as "a gunman." Regarding the two brothers responsible for the killings at the newspaper, she referred to them by name, used the term "suspects" and "terrorists," and mentioned the 2010 plot the supermarket jihadist and the newspaper jihadist were involved with about springing other "terrorists" from prison.

I'm a "practical European socialist"
But who can blame her for her cowardice when even the President of France, Francois Hollande called the supermarket attack "anti-Semitic" perpetrated by terrorists? He too never called out the religion of peace for the reason behind these attacks. In fact, like our own empty suit president, he made the claim that what these terrorists did is not representative of the real Islam.

Howard Dean (you remember him--he's the lunatic that lost the nomination for the presidency when he gave  his scream out in Iowa) said the men who committed the murders in Paris should be treated as mass murderers. To quote the moron: "I stopped calling these people Muslim terrorists. They're about as Muslim as I am. I mean, they have no respect for anybody else's life, that's not what the Koran says. And, you know Europe has an enormous radical problem . . . I think ISIS is a cult. Not an Islamic cult. I think it's a cult."

How Islam loves the Jews
Right Howie--shouting "Allahu akbar"  (Allah is greater) while killing people in his name is not Islamic. Perhaps we can blame it on the Jews or George Bush. The only reason the cartoonists were slaughtered at Charlie Hebdo was because of the cartoons they drew of Muhammad, the so-called prophet of Islam, the so-called religion of peace.

Then we have John "Swift Boat" Kerry who also claims that the Islamic State does "not represent Islam." 

Just because Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, has a masters degree and a PhD in Islamic Studies and is following the teachings of Muhammad to the letter, is no reason to think that he's a Muslim, doing what Muhammad would do if he were around.

Kerry, who also holds an adult education certificate in the Religions of the World, Part One, called ISIS a "militant cult masquerading as a religious movement."

Kerry is masquerading as a different kind of movement, one which most people have once or twice a day.

Even our Islamic-loving, Israeli-hating, Constitutional expert, socialist-Marxist president only used the term for the Paris attacks as terrorism, he too never described the kind of terrorism that it was--Islamic, jihadist--take your pick.

When the leftist media fails to identify what the real issues are the problem will only grow like a tumor that will one day be too large to treat. As a typing teacher once wrote: Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.

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