Sunday, November 16, 2014

Muslims Discovered America, According to a Muslim

Did you know that Muslims, not Christopher Columbus, discovered the Americas? Neither did I, but in a posting by Fox News, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan makes the claim that Muslim sailors reached the Americas more than 300 years before the Christian, Christopher Columbus.

According to several Muslims I know, they also discovered the Salk vaccine (only they call it the Mohammad vaccine), mathematics, chess and the whereabouts of Jimmy Hoffa (only they ain't sayin'). But Erdogan speaking to Muslim leaders from Latin America said that Islam and Latin America have been doing the Guapacha since the 12th Century. The Mohammad vaccine came later.

"In his memoirs, Christopher Columbus mentions the existence of a mosque atop a hill on the coast of Cuba," the Turkish imperialist said, and also added that he's like to see a mosque built on that hilltop today (since those Jews tore down the original one, I bet he thinks).

There have been scholars who have disputed the claims made in Columbus' writings that say there is no hard, archaeological evidence that Muslims have lived in the Americas prior to ole Chris.

Fox News acknowledges that the credit for America's discovery has been an ongoing controversy with many scholars. But Muslims take credit for many things that they cannot prove ownership of discovery and I am as skeptical of them in this case as I have been about Obamacare in its inception.

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