Friday, October 10, 2014

ISIS Gets a Good Chuckle Over Our Pin Pricks

Swiftboat Kerry
U.S. led pin-pricks against ISIS Muslims have annoyed them but have hardly slowed them up. They have advanced further in Syria as they seized Kobani, they are now on the verge of overrunning strategic positions outside of Baghdad. "It's a good thing John Kerry told us Kobani shouldn't be thought of as strategic," one mentally impaired Democrat said, "otherwise I might be, you know, worried."

The Mohammad-following, Islamic orthodox, Koran-kissing, Christian-killing, Jew-hating, bathing-impaired ISIS army are within eight miles of Baghdad and have already infiltrated the suburb of Abu Ghraib. They control the streets in this suburb and are now within a stoning and two beheadings of Baghdad International Airport's runway perimeter.

These guys cling to their religion and their guns, but president Obama has assured us that Islam is a religion of peace, so no worries. Islam shall dominate their thoughts and actions. Oh wait, it already has.

Ryan Mauro, a national security adviser with the Clarion Project said that it would be "exceedingly difficult" but it cannot be ruled out for ISIS to take Baghdad.

ISIS is close enough to the airport to take down aircraft with MANPADS, an anti-aircraft shoulder-fired missile. They got these missiles the same way they got the other American weapons: they grabbed them when Iraqi forces decided to put a hold on their virgins for a later date. There are about 60 thousand Iraqi soldiers but ISIS, a much smaller force, sent them scrambling through the briars and the brambles. 

Marie Harf, State Department flunky, expressed confidence in Iraq's military. She unwittingly said that the "Iraqi Hightailers," the new team name, is capable of defending Baghdad, and if anyone knows military strategy better than Barack Obama, it's Marie Harf. (Fun Fact: HARF actually stands for "Having A Reality Fart.")

"We don't see an imminent threat to Baghdad at this time," Harf huffed. "Iraqi security forces in and around Baghdad are strong. They're under constant assessment. The embassy remains open. We continue to conduct business. We've deployed a significant number of our own military personnel to Iraq and to the region for the protection of American personnel and to advise and assist Iraqi forces."

The same could have been said about Benghazi in 2012.

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