Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A British-Iranian Woman Imprisoned, Goes on Hunger Strike

Ghoncheh Ghavami, 25, a British-Iranian law student was visiting her family back in Iran, or the "old country" and working for a charity organization while there. She made the unforgivable mistake of attempting to attend a men-only volleyball game last June.

She was sent to prison for three months before they charged her with "propaganda against the regime." She is being held in Evin prison, a prison known for its violent volleyball breakers of the rules of the Islamic state.

Ghoncheh is now on a hunger strike but the Iranian government is claiming that she was planning to lose weight anyway, and actually looks marvelous.

She tried, along with about a dozen other volleyball rule breaking women to see the Iran men play Italy. Her brother, Iman (no relation to Imus in the Morning or, the "I Man" as he is often called) said that the charges against Ghoncheh are "ambiguous." What he meant by that remark is unclear.
Naked Iranian Men

But the law is the law and this one was enacted in 2012 when it was deemed that mixed crowds were "un-Islamic" because male athletes are not considered fully dressed, and this may cause women to have sexual fantasies about them and this too is un-Islamic because these athletes may be married and this would make their 9 year old wives very jealous.

Instead, Islam suggests that women who are looking for good Islamic entertainment should join the jihad and partake in a beheading to relieve themselves of pent up blood lust.

Even the word "ball" is questionable as to whether it is okay to say as it often is used to refer to men's testicles. But the Ayatollah is a fair-minded man, (if you're not Jewish, Christian, American, Hindu, a woman, gay or an atheist) and has allowed men to play with balls and other such sports equipment so long as it does not interfere with their five daily prayers to the moon god, Allah.
Practically naked Iranian Women

And while the Ayatollah banned only those people with vaginas from watching men hardly dressed, the International Federation of Volleyball warned Iran about this ban, and this point was brought up by the Iman, Ghoncheh's brother. He said his sister thought the ban was lifted. 

Funny thing, Ghoncheh was originally released after four hours of questioning when she tried getting into the match, but when she tried collecting her belongings days later, she was rearrested once they discovered her dual citizenship.

The Iman gathered half a million signatures to petition the British government to get off their duffs and bring her back to the UK, but nothing has been done as yet. In fact, Hassan Rouhani, Iran's president, told the Communist News Network (CNN) that Ghavami is not recognized by Iran as a UK citizen.

So far, Women for Women International has done for Ghavami what the National Organization for Women has done for women across the world who suffered from Islamic violence such as: genital mutilation, stoning: zip, nada, nothing.

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