Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Joe Biden: the Village Idiot

There you go again, Joe; how does that Hush Puppy taste?

Our Vice President, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., told the National Association of Manufacturers in Washington D.C. that the rest of the world is xenophobic.

"Look at Germany," the gaffe-meister said, "look at the rest of the world. We're the only non-xenophobic nation in the world that's a major economy." We are also the most debt-ridden country in the world but Joe left that out.

He said that Germany, Japan and China were "not nearly as welcoming of immigrants," the U.S. Business Insider reported. 

So the Village Idiot called for more immigration, because, I guess, he doesn't believe our enormous influx of illegal aliens (most recently the many thousands of children from Central America) will be enough to guarantee a Democratic landslide in the future. He welcomes them with open arms and open voting booths.

Biden forgot to mention how the U.S. needs more fast-food workers who speak with funny accents, or that he plans to run for President in 2016 and completely screw up our country.

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