Friday, August 2, 2013

Summer with Islam in America

Will Anthony Weiner drop out of the mayoral race in New York? Will Bradley Manning serve more than a half hour in prison? Will we ever get Edward Snowden back so we can determine whether he is a hero or a traitor? Will Jay Z ever get over himself? These are the tough questions that I will not be dealing with in this submission. Instead, I will discuss America's new love affair with Islam's Muslim Brotherhood, where it is behind closed doors, doors that we paid for, in the White House.

It's no secret that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya to a communist Muslim father and white communist mother. In is also no secret that Barack went to an all Muslim school in Indonesia where he was enrolled as a Muslim and played on the Muslim "Pin the Bomb on the Zionist." Finally, we all know that since being our POTUS, Obama has done nothing in office that a Muslim president would not have done, including his inviting members of the Muslim Brotherhood to the White House to break the Ramadan fast, strategically plan the complete and utter destruction of infidel Israel, and outlaw Christianity. 

Okay, I'm exaggerating. I admit it. But the exaggeration is not so far off to seem totally implausible. 

The US is closing embassies all throughout the Muslim world starting immediately. They believe, that in spite of the liberal "fact" that Obama has gotten rid of Al Qaeda, that this religious club is making a comeback and plans to do these embassies harm. Well there goes the "we're not at war with Islam," and "the religion of peace is misunderstood." 

Bob Beckel, a Fox News member of The Five and liberal spokes-idiot, thinks the original al Qaeda organization has been decimated and the current al Qaeda are new guys. He "feels" this way but has no facts, no proof, nothing to go on, but this is how Beckel and many liberals operate. Facts and proof are trumped by feelings.

America is sitting on its hands and Islam is moving forward because Obama still refuses to call our war with radical Islam a war. He refuses to acknowledge that Islamic terrorism is terrorism (as he did with Nidal Hasan in the Fort Hood terror killings to which  Obama called workplace violence). Let's see what happens next Thursday when there's a full moon and Islam's "Night of Power." 

Islam has its sword aimed at the West and Obama is having the Muslim Brotherhood visiting the White House. It seems okay in this country to attack Christmas displays in public places, crosses, or Jewish menorahs, but you had better not say anything negative about Islam or the government will be coming to take you away.

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