Delbert Belton, known as "Shorty" to his friends, was an 88 year old, WW2 veteran who took a bullet in the leg in the Battle of Okinawa. He was sitting in his car outside the Ice-A-Rena after shooting pool and waiting to drive a friend home, when two black men approached his car and beat him about the face and head with heavy metal flashlights. Shorty was taken to a nearby hospital where he died from his injuries. He is survived by a 65 year old son, and a ton of friends.
One of the scumbags, a 16 year old African-American, was caught on video tape and later captured, the other is still on the loose, but his identity is known to the Spokane, Washington police, where this incident occurred. The nation is holding its collective breath to see just how deeply Jessie Jackson frowns upon this incident, and how loudly Al Sharpton speaks out against this black-on-white violence.
I know that I'm a bit out of line for referring to this crime as a black-on-white crime, in spite of the fact that this is exactly what it is--let's go to the video tape, as Warner Wolfe says. I'm out of line because we do not know the "motives" of these young men besides robbery and throwin' a beatin' on a dude. But whatever is said and done, this has racial components and needs to be addressed by those race whores who have so much to say when the color of the victims is the color that makes their racial case.
CNN referred to the victim's attack as "beaten by teens." It sounds like Archie and Jughead just got angry and hit the poor man too hard. The Washington Post referred to the perps as "young men," and indeed they are--it just so happens they're black. If Shorty was black and the perps were white, the Washington Post would have a headline like: "Defenseless 88 Year Old Black Man Beaten to Death by White Gang," or something to that effect.
At least USA Today and the HuffPo mentioned that the perps were African Americans; I give them some credit for that.
So, in the matter of a few days, Chris Lane, a white, college ballplayer from Australia is shot and killed while jogging, and Delbert Belton, an 88 year old war veteran is killed while sitting in his car; both victims of black on white murder. And still the race hustlers are virtually silent or simply "frowning on that kind of behavior," as Jessie Jackson claimed to be doing. I find it reprehensible and unacceptable; I hope the public screams out in anger over this imbalance of outrage. I hope that the real black leaders in the community, the clergy and those who follow them, speak out about these crimes and the social decay that has been causing it.
It's time to stop "frowning upon" this behavior--it's time to stop it at the root cause--the dissolution of the family and family values.
One of the scumbags, a 16 year old African-American, was caught on video tape and later captured, the other is still on the loose, but his identity is known to the Spokane, Washington police, where this incident occurred. The nation is holding its collective breath to see just how deeply Jessie Jackson frowns upon this incident, and how loudly Al Sharpton speaks out against this black-on-white violence.
I know that I'm a bit out of line for referring to this crime as a black-on-white crime, in spite of the fact that this is exactly what it is--let's go to the video tape, as Warner Wolfe says. I'm out of line because we do not know the "motives" of these young men besides robbery and throwin' a beatin' on a dude. But whatever is said and done, this has racial components and needs to be addressed by those race whores who have so much to say when the color of the victims is the color that makes their racial case.

At least USA Today and the HuffPo mentioned that the perps were African Americans; I give them some credit for that.
So, in the matter of a few days, Chris Lane, a white, college ballplayer from Australia is shot and killed while jogging, and Delbert Belton, an 88 year old war veteran is killed while sitting in his car; both victims of black on white murder. And still the race hustlers are virtually silent or simply "frowning on that kind of behavior," as Jessie Jackson claimed to be doing. I find it reprehensible and unacceptable; I hope the public screams out in anger over this imbalance of outrage. I hope that the real black leaders in the community, the clergy and those who follow them, speak out about these crimes and the social decay that has been causing it.
It's time to stop "frowning upon" this behavior--it's time to stop it at the root cause--the dissolution of the family and family values.
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