Friday, July 26, 2013

Friday Brain Flushings: Weiner, Huma, Obamacare, and Detroit,

The wonderful world of Weiner.
Weiner's world is a place where Carlos Danger is virile, handsome, powerful, desirable, and non-dorky. It is a place that exists in his mind, and like all narcissists, he needs other people to serve as his mirror to supply his feelings of self. People often see narcissists like Weiner as pathetic because these people always need validation while they pretend they're cool.

Huma Abedin Weiner, his wife and the top staff member for Hillary Clinton,  is standing behind her narcissist. She has learned a lot from her boss, but it isn't about being a faithful wife, or an object of sympathy, she has learned to be an enabler, just like Hillary. These women see their positions in power as more important than their family or, dare I say, their self respect. I also believe that if Weiner gets elected, a mosque gets erected (whew, got those two words in the correct order.)

The fact that feminist leaders like Nancy Pelosi, or virtually anyone in NOW has not condemned Weiner, is quite telling about the liberal mentality. Anything for party. Anything.

Obamacare waivers for IRS.
This is a mind-blower. The government group that is assigned to oversee The Affordable Care Act, is the IRS and they are asking for a waiver because they evidently know more than the rest of us how much it sucks. If you remember Nancy Pelosi's California district we given waivers. ("We have to pass it so that you can find out what's in it." To see the video  go here.) If the IRS, who has to enforce Obamacare don't want to be forced to have Obamacare, and if Obama and congress get waivers, why should anyone believe this legislation is a good thing? Even a liberal should be able to see that logic. Wait, I said logic, never mind. Let's just say hypocrisy is a non-issue with liberals.

If you agree that Obamacare should be de-funded  spread the word about this hypocrisy and subscribe to my blog--one has nothing to do with the other, but what the heck.

Detroit Detroit, got a hell of a hockey team.
President Obama saved Detroit by bailing out the auto industry back in 2009. He bragged about it in his "cool" presidential way, as he spoke to the auto workers, many of whom got the tingle that Chris Matthews spoke about. If you want to see the video where our POTUS told us how great he is go here, it will make you proud you didn't vote for him.

Some liberals are going to want Detroit bailed out. Their solution to the problem is to do the same thing that didn't work the first time with Detroit, or any problem--just throw money at it. If that's not possible, then print more money and throw that at it. These are people with degrees in Women's Studies or Climatology Theory in a Changing World, given by Al Gore, or Underwater Peruvian Basket Weaving. I would bet Obama took one of those courses, but we'll never know--the most transparent president ever had his school records sealed.

Benghazi and other Phony Scandals.
I'm not going to address this right now because this deserves more attention than my span will allow at the moment. I will write about this issue as well as a bunch of others very soon. I put this in today because I don't want anyone to forget about Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the IRS, Associated Press, James Rosen, and workplace violence BS. I will get to it, but I will go into detail about each issue.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

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