Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How Global Warming will Fry You

Recently, a liberal tweeted something about the perils of global warming and I gently responded to him about the fact that it isn't fact. He said that independent studies showed clearly that global warming is a fact. I begged to differ and he asked me to cite unbiased studies. Well, I normally keep studies that refute morons who make crazy claims, but I didn't happen to have any handy; yet I knew I was correct in saying that there is no proof positive that global warming is fact rather than hypothesis. I eventually blocked the libtard because he refused to budge and I refuse to waste my time trying to convince someone with truth who doesn't care about the truth. But just in case you have scandal overkill and immigration fatigue syndrome, I've put together a few little facts that show global warming is not fact, nor is it fiction.

The first study I'd like to cite is entitled: Copenhagen and Global Warming: Ten Facts and Ten Myths on Climate Change, by Robert M. Carter, Dec. 9, 2009 (James Cook University, Queensland, Australia). 

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The idea that the Earth was "climate stable" prior to the Industrial Revolution is nonsense. Climate change has always occurred and always will. Using weather balloons and satellite observation show no atmospheric warming since 1958 and ground based warming of 0.40 C in that same period. Many scientists believe that this can be accounted for due to the Urban Heat Island effect.

Despite $50 billion in US studies since 1990, no unambiguous human signals have been found in global temperature findings. Imagine if we put that money to better use--say space exploration or the debt.

According to Anthony Watts, Myths and Facts about Global Warming, Nov. 20, 2012, HadCRUTS3 surface temperature index shows warming to 1978, cooling to 1911, warming to 1941, cooling to 1964, warming to 1998, and cooling to 2011. Interestingly, the warming from 1964 to 1998 was the same amount as that between 1911 to 1941. 

Let's face it; climate change is non-linear, chaotic and therefore unpredictable. There is no computer model that can predict the earth's temperature or climate 100 in the future, which is to say, that global warming is cyclic and nothing we are causing.

What this all proves, I believe, is that one should never allow liberals to get away with their non-factual BS. It also should alert you, the reader, that going on Twitter can be fun and simultaneously a waste of time. Don't let it fry your brains. 

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