Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Marcobama State of the Union

I've been sick this week, sicker than a liberal during the 2010 midterm elections, sicker than the Iranian space monkey when he discovered he wasn't really leaving Iran and it was all a hoax. But I'm getting well and I will be going to work today. 

I'm lucky to have a job, unlike many people who voted for Obama. He practically monopolized the black vote but blacks are making less money than before and have a higher unemployment rate than they had when he first was elected. But minorities overwhelmingly vote for Democrats because they believe that somehow the liberals will help them rather than keep them down. They still haven't learned from history.

President Obama will be addressing the nation tonight in his State of the Union and I suspect he will tell us how we are going in the right direction and the economy is finally going in the right direction. If you believe that, I believe your meds must be low. Marco Rubio will be rebutting the president's speech. He will do it in both English and Spanish and it is said that if Joe Biden were to rebut Rubio, he would do so in both English and Pig Latin.

Rubio needs to contrast the Republican position regarding such issues as immigration, the economy and defense, but let's face it, somehow the liberal news media is going to depict him as pandering to the Latin community when he speaks to them. Conservatives can never win with the media and I think it's about time we do what Dr. Benjamin Carson did when Obama was part of his audience at the prayer breakfast--tell the truth, don't pull back, and say it clearly without apology. (Did you see Obama's face when he spoke? Priceless).

So the State of the Union Address is at 9:00 PM ET tonight and unfortunately, I finish work at 10:00 PM ET. I hope to be home in time to hear Rubio's response.

Let me know what you thought of the president and Rubio in the comments section.


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