Saturday, January 5, 2013

Guns Don't Kill People, Hammers Do

There was another shooting in Aurora, CO today and four people are dead, included the shooter. The police had him cornered in a house and when he tried to use his gun on them, they shot him dead. Before they got to the scene, however, he had already killed three other people who did not have guns on them. Perhaps if they did, this killer would have only become a dead almost killer.

When the leftist media reports on shootings like this, they discuss the gun(s) being used, how many times the victims were shot, and if the weapons were legally bought, they have a field day filled with self-righteous joy because it moves their agenda forward--guns kill and should be banned.

If a conservative doesn't like guns, he or she doesn't own one. If a liberal doesn't like guns, he or she tries to ban them. Their solution to such a complicated issue always is the easiest, most simplistic one--get rid of guns and you get rid of gun violence. 

Laws are supposed to be a means to that end; that is, pass a law to get rid of guns and there will be no legal guns on the street. Of course, you know my next statement is, "only illegal guns will be used." And gun laws do squat to solve the problem; just look at Chicago and New Orleans. There are strict laws against these weapons and they have done nothing whatsoever to end the gun violence, and Chicago sets the record in per capita killings, mostly through gang activity, and most of the perps who kill with guns, a huge percentage have served time in prison. No, the problem isn't the guns, the problem is the gangs and their ability to get their hands on illegal weapons.

Legislators who discuss the banning of guns, particularly assault weapons, know as much about what they're talking about as a worm knows about quantum theory. In a sense, all weapons are assault weapons.  When marines hit a beach, their weapons are on semi-automatic unless they have to lay down a wall of fire and then they throw their selector switch to full auto. And all weapons are used to assault a target.  But we all know that the truth beneath the blather, is that liberals want guns out of the hands of all people--and that is all guns. 

The FBI just released new data showing that hammers kill more people in the USA than guns. Of course the argument from the left is going to be, "But guns are intended to kill people and hammers are intended to hammer nails." That would be true of hammers had a brain, as did guns. Guns were designed to fire rounds at a target. The target by lawbiding gunowners is made of paper or clay, but like a hammer, it can be used to kill.

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