Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hey Hey Ho Ho

Hey hey, ho ho, union choice has got to go!  

That isn't exactly the chant that's being voiced in Lansing, Michigan, but that's what it's all about.  A right to work state is unfair because it gives individuals the right to join a union or not to join a union.  That's just not fair to those people who choose to work without a net--the protection of a union that ensures that work gets done at the level of the poorest worker, the slowest on the assembly line, the guy who takes the most sick days.  Everyone should pay union dues whether they like it or not--freedom of choice is un-American--wait--maybe I'm wrong.

One of the protestards said that everyone has the right to work, but they don't have the right to work for lower wages.  Why not?  Isn't that free market?  And now that Obama won a second term (and hopefully a final term), he jumped on the pro-union bandwagon.  Surprised?

But Dumbocrats say right to work is a political ploy.  Interesting in light of the fact that unions have contributed to Obama's re-election overwhelmingly while Republican union members are forced to pay dues that go to re-elect a socialist.  Now that, my friends, is un-American.

In the states that have passed the Freedom to Work Law, there is a significantly higher rate of employment.  The only people who really benefit from unions in today's world, are union leaders whose salaries are enormously disproportionate to the actual workers they represent, and people like Obama whose re-election was due to unions and the media.

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