Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Why Obama Will Win Re-election

I want to be very clear right from the outset: I do not, under any circumstances, want Barack Hussein Obama to win re-election as President of the United States of America.  I want Hussein to be ushered out of the White House, preferably in handcuffs, and at the very least with his head hung down.  But just because I want this, as do many other conservatives, doesn't mean it will happen.

Let's look at what the conservatives are up against.  There's the mainstream media who ask questions to questionable people like Sandra Fluke (pronounced Fluck) as CNN just did: "Does Limbaugh calling you a slut, reflect Romney and the Republican party?" There was probably a time when CNN actually produced a modicum of journalistic quality, but those days are long gone and the questions they now ask are framed to make the Republican party look like a bunch of angry old white racist who kill abortion doctors and want women to die.  Okay, maybe CNN isn't as outlandish with their anti-conservative messaging, but you get the idea.

Then there's Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, Soledad O'Brien, and Lawrence O'Donnell (to name a few) whose political allegiances are so far to the left, you'd think they attended the  Karl Marx Institute of Selective Journalism.  Then you have the New York Times, a paper that has become better served as parakeet birdcage liner than something to take seriously.

Most young people, (you might know them as the Obama Zombies, a term coined by Jason Mattera) get their news from Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, and it's fairly obvious where they stand.  If you watched Michele Obama's speech you saw the zombies crying and swaying to her words, captivated by her description of how she and Barack, both poor Ivy League school attendees, had to get their furniture from dumpsters while he drove her in a rusty old car  to health food restaurants.  Her speech had a fantastic delivery and I even wept when it occurred to me that Barack might get re-elected and perhaps pull a "Bloomberg" and pass a bill for a third term for himself.  I saw a "Double-Bloomberg" as a possibility and that scared the crap out of me.

But media support is only one factor as to why I believe Obama will retain his title of Worst President Ever.

The biggest factor that will sway the election back to Barack is his celebrity and his likeability.  He is smooth when he sings, when he appears on celebrity TV and is asked butterball questions: "What's your favorite color?"  A better question might be: "Who funded your Harvard education and why have you sealed all your school records upon taking office?"  These questions will never be asked by the mainstream media.  

And with his celebrity comes the support of other celebrities like Roseann Barr, George Clooney, and Communist lover, Sean Penn. Liberals love these folks and since liberals don't vote based on facts, Barack will likely win the Barr Clooney Penn platform.

Luckily, I am often wrong about races, political and otherwise, and I hope that change will come and Mitt Romney will win the presidency.  

I like Horsemeat In A Can in the 4th at Belmont to win, and Romney on the 6th in November.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below.

Jihad Joe Soft Cover          

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