Thursday, August 23, 2012

The San Andreas Is Bush's Fault

Nothing on the schedule today so what did the President of the United States do?  Shot hoops with NBA stars and judging from the video, I can probably kick his ass in the key, and I'm old.

Obama is still blaming Bush for the economy in spite of his statement where he said he'd be a one term president if it remained the same or worse.  It's worse by trillions; a number that, if counting one second at a time, would take over 32 thousand years to reach. One trillion dollars, if put into one hundred dollar bills and made into stacks seven feet high, would cover an entire football field.  It's more money than you can wrap your brain around.  There comes a time when you just cannot continue blaming GW Bush for Obama's ineptness, and you cannot begin to compare GW's worth ethic to the loser in the White House.

But imagine if Joe Biden had to take over for Hussein Obama.  Imagine the fun the world would have with the Village Idiot at the helm.  Sure, everyone makes a gaffe now and then (even our brilliant FLOTUS, Michelle Obama, told Democratic voters to be sure and get out the vote on November 2nd when Election Day is on the 6th), but Biden is an actual buffoon.  Biden as POTUS would be a big F'ing deal--the Vice President would fail a mental status test for time and place.  But the media doesn't discuss that--it's a non-issue to them because if the media actually was unbiased, every gaffe would be pointed out; every failure, like Solyndra and Sun Power would be grist for the mill; facts would actually be checked and it would be obvious how Obama has put America into the worst fiscal crisis ever known to us, and Joe Biden would be our total ruin.  Bin Laden was hoping to kill Obama so that Biden would lead the nation into ruin, and while it's a good thing this never happened, the thought scares the hell out of me.  If it doesn't scare you, you aren't paying attention.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 


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