Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Questioning the Media

If Ann Romney cannot understand what it's like for the poor in America, how does Obama understand this better than she?  The mainstream media is busy trying to get this message out, but I have faith that Americans are smarter than these liberals think they are. 

Obama is far from poor and this was not a recent phenomenon. Anyone who thinks Obama understands what it's like to be struggling to make ends meet can only be thinking this way because they are looking at Obama through a racially biased filter--he's black, therefore he, better than Ann Romney, can understand what it's like being poor. Nonsense.  Obama acts like a man of leisure, playing over 100 rounds of golf while the country tanks, flying separate from his wife on vacations paid for by the tax payers (who mostly are made up of the 1% he claims are not paying their fair share), and his wife wears expensive clothes while the media denounces Ann Romney for doing the same.

But the media is guilty of far worse than simply backing the Democrats; they refused to report responsibly on events the public had the right to know.  Specifically, MSNBC did not air the speeches of Mia Love, Artur Davis or Ted Cruz at the Republican National Convention. They did not want the hundred or so liberals who watch MSNBC to see people of color or an Hispanic man, actually support the Republican nominee.  You see, the liberal media still want you to believe that the Democrats are the party for blacks and Hispanics, but if you know your history, you know better.

Condoleezza  Rice is slated to speak at the convention tonight.  I wonder how many mainstream media stations will somehow find something more important to cover than the speech of the most important African American woman in our country.  Maybe they'll switch to Rachel Maddow or Keith Oblermann or Chris Matthews, or Lawrence O'Donnell to discuss their fair and unbiased opinions of Mitt and Paul.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 
Jihad Joe Soft Cover          

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