Friday, August 31, 2012

Go Ahead, Make My Convention

Clint Eastwood made my day.  His off the cuff speech, while less polished than a standard political speech, was a breath of fresh air compared to the negative diatribes and cries of racism from the left.  Okay, maybe not a breath of fresh air, maybe a bit on the edge of sounding zany with the 'empty chair' Obama remarks, but Clint is not a politician and spoke as an American.

The left has and will continue to attack Clint Eastwood, calling him the symbol of the Republican party: an old, white man.  Do you notice how often the left talks about race?  They can't get enough of it.  Race is the only platform the left thinks is clear and the best reason to vote for them.  

Back when BO was running for POTUS they said if you didn't vote for him you were a racist.  Not much choice to avoid that label, eh?  Of course, that is exactly how the left wants everyone to feel when it comes to the election.  Now the left is coming up with a list of code words the conservatives are supposed to be using--they will always remained focused on race because it is the left who are the actual racists, as they were from back in the days of Jim Crow, the Dixiecrats, and the KKK.

Clint Eastwood was perfect in his imperfection and the left will make him into a silly old man, but that's because they're scared.  They believe they have the movie star market cornered and if Clint Eastwood spoke on behalf of Mitt Romney, well there just has to be something wrong with him.  Maybe it's his age--after all, he is 82 and he looked it last night.  Maybe it's his mind.  Yes, I believe that's what it must be.  Clint Eastwood has the mind of a patriotic American.  As for me, I see Barack Hussein Obama as the furthest thing from a patriotic American as possible for a person in public office, much less as President of the United States.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 
Jihad Joe Soft Cover          

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