Sunday, August 19, 2012

What's a Country To Do?

Henry Kissinger, when discussing the conflict between Iran and Iraq said, and I paraphrase, "Too bad they both couldn't lose."  I think that sentiment is valid for the revolution going on in Syria.  Assad is brutally murdering his own citizens, while the citizens are fighting back with the same vengeance.  Of course, this is the only way a force can fight back if they want to win, but what if they do win?  What will be the outcome?

I don't know the answer to that question. What I know is that people like you and me usually root for the underdog, and the revolutionists are the underdogs in this battle.  But if they beat back Assad's troops and come away with a victory, what will become of Syria?

Syria is an Islamic country governed by President Asshat, a Muslim who kills his population, celebrates Eid by going to mosque at the end of the holiday, and prepares to go out and kill some more people.  The people he is exterminating are fed up with his dictatorship and want him out of power.  

The question Americans should be asking ourselves is what will become of Syria when one side wins.  Looking at Egypt, things are bleak.  Looking at the capital of Islam, Saudi Arabia, things are bleaker still.  Women have the same rights as camels, but at least the camels are not stuck underneath cloth tents and don't get beaten for looking at other camels.  Looking at Iraq and Iran and their incestuous relationship, it seems like things are getting worse for the west as Iraq covertly supports Ahmadinejad's regime with money and hugs.

Another question Americans should ask is with whom does Obama stand in the world?

Obama celebrated Iftar at the White House when Romney's campaign announced that they would soon reveal who his running mate was going to be.  Muslims like Reps. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) and Andre Carson (D-Ind.) were at the dinner as was Rep. John Conyers (D. Mich.) who presides over Dearbornistan, Michigan where the yearly Islamofest takes place and Christians are not welcome.  Obama pointed out that the dinners began with President Clinton and continued with GW Bush.  He announced: “And some of you, as you arrived tonight, may have seen our special display, courtesy of our friends at the Library of Congress — the Koran that belonged to Thomas Jefferson. And that’s a reminder, along with the generations of patriotic Muslims in America, that Islam — like so many faiths — is part of our national story.”  He was unable to be specific as to what the early Muslims did for America aside from the war with the Barbary Pirates who Jefferson was fighting and probably used the Koran to know his enemy better, but that's not important.  Rhetoric, now that's important.

Obama also spoke about Islamic values found in the Koran; specifically, how man and women "are equal to the other."  Evidently, Obama has never been to Saudi Arabia--wait--he was there.  Well, maybe he didn't notice how the women are forced to dress in burqas in the oppressive heat.

But what bothered me most was how Obama praised Huma Abedin, the wife of Anthony Weiner of the famous Weinergate weiner tweet.  Huma, who works for Hillary Clinton as an aide, has a mother who is sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood as well as clear connections, and a brother who is actually involved in the good work of the Brotherhood and their civic action in trying to eliminate Israel from the table and well, the earth.  Obama couldn't praise Huma enough, but if I was the POTUS, I'd keep close watch on her and her family.

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