Sunday, June 24, 2012

OMG, You're a Conservative!

It's Sunday and I don't have much time to blog today--some of us actually work on the weekends and I'm one of the unfortunate ones.  So I'll be brief, succinct, and timely with my rant.

Being born and raised in New York City makes it probable that I would be a liberal, but I am not.  However, in an email I received yesterday, after sending an article about Obama's socialistic policies to my email friends, my sister, Sue, wrote: "omg, you're a republican? please don't send me anything more on obama or romney."

My sister, as you can see, is a Democrat, like our parents were, and their parents before them.  But they were Democrats at a time when the Democratic party wasn't calling for a nanny state, and the word "Communist" left a bad taste in their collective mouths. 

 Sue is married to a very successful lawyer and the household income is seven figures.  She is insulated from the struggles many poor people experience and will never feel the pinch of programs like Obamacare or No Child Left Behind, etc.  Her kids all went to private schools and they too found lucrative jobs because of their father's connections--there isn't anything wrong with being well off but I think they are all out of touch with what it is like having to deal with the current bureaucracy, its regulations, and the tax burdens that will come from Obama's call for socialism.  

My sister doesn't watch Fox News Network--she watches MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC and CNN.   Collectively, they have given the Fast and Furious debacle merely seconds of coverage and those few seconds that F&F was mentioned, it was done generically, with the surgical removal of "minor details" such as Holder's role in the operation, if any, and the reason he is being considered for contempt of Congress.  It isn't that Holder may or may not be involved, but the fact that he refused to help the investigation by releasing the documents Congress asked for. 

These liberal media networks blame conservatives for having the audacity to bring forth the charges in the first place, and say that F&F was Bush's fault--he started it with Operation Wide Receiver.  They left out the fact that Bush they used GPS tracking devises in the weapons, Mexico was part of the operation, and when it was determined that the program was too risky and unworkable, Bush abandoned it.  The media also didn't harp on the fact that nobody died because of Operation Wide Receiver where 300 Mexicans and two Americans were killed.

What I learned from my sister, Sue, (an apt name for the wife of a lawyer), is that liberals refuse to hear the other side--they'd rather not hear it and would do whatever they can to stop the discussion, (think Rush Limbaugh).  They denounce Fox News but even if you don't agree with Fox, at least they present both sides with liberals like Bob Beckel and Alan Combs. Liberals in the mainstream media present only their message and censor what they don't want you to hear, which is any negatives about this administration.  It almost feels like the media, save Fox and conservative blogs, is campaigning for Obama and the left . . . and they are.

We are fast becoming a "Big Brother" state, being dictated to what we can eat, drink, and now in Sweden, how we should urinate.  Will Big Brother have the cameras in the commodes to check on the men's bathroom habits?  Maybe my sister believes they should--but her maid cleans the toilets in her home and my nephew evidently sits when he goes.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 

Jihad Joe Soft Cover         

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