Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mohammad Merah and the Religion of Peace

Mohammad Merah said he was inspired to kill by al Qaeda, or at least the media reported that this was the source of his inspiration. But how accurate is such a statement? Is it the organization itself that inspires terrorism, or the tenets of the organization that matters? Maybe we need to ask ourselves just how does an organization, like al Qaeda, inspire Muslims to kill non-Muslims, innocent Jewish children, a rabbi, as well as Christians. Was it the al Qaeda beheading video of Daniel Pearl that inspired Merah to shoot the little Jewish girl in the head? Or was it something even more horrible than that? What we know from his own words is that Merah went to Afghanistan and Pakistan to become "more religious" and have greater knowledge of Islam, so it wasn't so much al Qaeda that inspired him, but Islam itself.

For centuries Islam has done what the Nazis have done, but unlike the Nazis, have gotten away with it because liberals have consistently looked the other way. This quasi religion, which is referred to as the religion of peace by the appeasers who fear it most, has been killing in its name since its founder walked the earth, hand-in-hand with his childbride.  

Note Prayer Mark on Forehead of Guy in Middle
Mohammad, the prophet of Islam, was nothing more than an illiterate warrior who, after leaving Mecca heading for Medina, became extremely powerful, leaving a trail of mutilated corpses of Bedouins and Jews in the wake of his ten thousand followers. Entire tribes were slaughtered, booty taken (Mohammad always received the greatest share), and the wives of the dead were taken as sex slaves.  In one instance, approximately 900 Jewish men and pubescent boys were beheaded and their bodies toppled into a pre-dug ditch for burying--all done at Mohammad's command. This was the fate of the Bani  Qurayza tribe because they refused to convert to the religion of peace.  Now Islamic leaders plan to kill an iranian Christian for refusing to convert to Islam.  Liberals are mute on this situation too. By the way, this photo of the six men is the UK Beheading Gang.  They copy Mohammad's beard, his prayer, and even his beheading behavior of Jews.

Nothing has changed.  Jews are still the scapegoats and victims of Islamic terrorism. Liberals still go along with Muslims whose claims of victim status confound the facts, and politicians like Obama still apologize to nations where Islam rules, while in our own country, Christianity is disrespected by policies that go against the moral beliefs of its foundations. 

The only solution, it seems to me, is for all Western nations to curb Islamic immigration, infiltrate groups like CAIR, the Muslim Students Association, and all Islamic-funded groups in our countries. Most are tied to the Muslim Brotherhood and all desire a world Caliphate along with sharia. 

Finally, it's time for the public to be critical of the leftist media whose "facts" need closer scrutiny.  The media, in their censoring of the truth does not alert the public to the dangers that exist with Islam--the terrorists aren't extremists, they are simply the more religious of their Muslim brothers and sisters.  There is nothing that they are doing which is not called for in their "holy book."  They are the ones practicing their religion. 

We need to wake up because to continue sleeping is suicidal. Every concerned American should read the Koran, but not the sterile version that's given to the naiive non-Muslims. Read any Koran printed in Saudi Arabia and translated into English, and also read The Complete Infidel's Guide to the Koran by Robert Spencer.  If this doesn't open your eyes to the truth about Islam, nothing will.  I have also written a novel, Jihad Joe, a story about Islamic terrorism and how the Koran and Islam must be successfully disputed in order for the hero to escape with his head intact.  I've provided a link for the hard copy and ebook below.
Jihad Joe Soft Cover           

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