Friday, December 16, 2011

The Last 2011 GOP Debate on Fox

So, who won last night's GOP campaign debate on Fox? In my opinion, it was definitely Newt, and it was absolutely necessary for his campaign that he did win in Iowa because he had lost 12 points from the previous one. His responses on the Keystone pipeline, defense and what he said about judges, was excellent. Not so excellent was how he responded to Michele Bachmann's attack on the money Newt received from Fannie and Freddiem where he kept claiming he wasn't a lobbyist. Sorry, but anyone with anything beyond a medulla knows he had to be getting Republican support for those programs. Otherwise, Newt kicked butt. Interestingly, the New York Times did not even mention Fox News, nor any on the panel--they remain the Democratic campaign information center.

With Cain gone, Ron Paul picked up lots of numbers and went into Iowa as the great Democratic hope--the dems know that if Paul runs, Obama wins--but after last night, the American public should have come to its senses with Paul's delusions that 9-11 and terrorist attacks in the United States is due to the fact that we are in their country and this pisses them off. This, of course, discounts the Islamic concept of jihad, the clear statement of Ahmadinejad that he will destroy us, Israel, and anyone else who plans to eat at a kosher deli. It discounts the Beirut bombing, the shores of Tripoli, and even what Mohammad has said of us infidels. Paul is not a fool--Paul is a dangerous fool. Worse, he's even anti-Semitic with the pretense of cutting off aid to them for their own good. That's like putting a cigarette out on the carpet to make it stronger. So hopefully, Paul is in the toilet where he can do no harm as he spins down into the oblivion of where Chamberlain dwells.

Mitt was okay, especially on his defense of his governor stint in Massachusetts, and I do not believe he hurt himself and will stay around the 20s in the race. Michele Bachmann, I feel, attacked Newt a little more than necessary, but she drew blood at the Fannie Freddie attack. Does that help or hurt her? We shall find out.

Rick Perry has become more proficient as a debater, but is too stuck on his talking points, and needs to get out of Dodge, literally--he needs to get beyond Texas if he plans to run the rest of the country.

Rick Santorum looked as if the Alka Seltzer is working. There was no uncomfortable gassy look on his face, and his record as a conservative rings true, as Michele's does too. 

Finally, my last word on Newt was his high point, which came when he mentioned that he would kick Obama's butt in a debate.  If he refused to debate with Newt, he would do what Lincoln did to Douglas and follow his schedule, show up 4 hours behind Obama, and rip his speeches apart. Everyone knows debating is Newt's strength, so this was the perfect response. But let's not forget that Obama is no slouch when it comes to talking--that's all he does, and nobody says nothing better than him. It's going to be an interesting ride in the months ahead.

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