Tuesday, December 27, 2011

If Ron Paul Wins Here's What Will Happen

Eric Dondero
Ron Paul is like that crazy neighbor who, when the media interviews you about why you think he killed his family, you shrug and say that he seemed like a nice guy--he was so quiet and always took care of his lawn and walked his dog. 

The sad and frightening truth is that Ron Paul is a quiet, gentle, anti-Semitic, troglodyte, and he's a truther, who is more dangerous to the USA than Ahmadinejad on angel dust. He has a nice smile, kind of fatherly-like--but under that smile is a man who has a lot of anger.

Eric Dondero, a former Paul aide, stated that Paul hates Israel, but isn't anti-Semitic. I have difficulty separating the two notions, as do the Islamic militants across the border from Israel--they don't see it merely as a country--they see it as a place filled with Jewish targets.  In an article in Haaretz.com, Dondero was quoted as saying: "He [Paul] wishes the Israeli state did not exist at all," while the Paul camp responded to the claim by making this one about Dondero: "has zero credibility and should not be taken seriously. Dondero says in his blog that Paul has stated Israel is more trouble than it`s worth, especially for US taxpayers. 

Because of his anti-Zionist track record, the little guy with the hunched shoulders and ill-fitting suits was excluded from the debates of the Republican Jewish Coalition.  They stated that "there is no reason to allow Paul to pretend he is anything but an extremist who is far outside the mainstream, especially when it comes to issues concerning the U.S.-Israeli alliance.

You may have heard the alleged statement he made to Jeffrey Scott Shapiro back in 2009 (you can google it) where he was asked a hypothetical on the Holocaust--"if it occurred again with you as President, what would you do?" his answer was typical Paul--he would do nothing to risk American lives. Of course in private, he may have gone even further, but my guess is that if he became President, he would "pull an Ahamadinejad" and simply deny the Holocaust ever occurred in the first place. Hey, it works for Iran.

The real problem that I see with Ron Paul is that he is a pure isolationist--so pure that he would sacrifice ethics and morality to have the USA remain neutral. One can only imagine what he would do if Iranian missles headed our way. "There is no reason to believe that we're the target."


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