Thursday, October 20, 2011

Libya's Head--Shot Dead in the Head

Sort of like a death photo
Gaddafi is dead, a bullet to his head and photos of him are all over the news. I wonder why it is okay for the American press to show the gruesome photos of Gaddafi, but not Osama bin Laden. It makes me think that Obama took all the credit for bin Laden, but was worried the Islamists would have sought revenge for killing the scumbag, so he had to show respect for the "sensitivities" of the Islamic nation of insensitive terrorists. 

Gaddafi (CNN spells it as 'Gadhafi', but they also spell Obama as 'God' so choose the spelling you think is most accurate ) is another story. Obama was slow to do anything to help the rebels in their fight against the Libyan leader at the outset, and the credit should go to France and England for their swift reaction to the Libyan rebellion while Obama was playinng golf and Michele was flying to her African vacation.  As I write this, it is about 1:30 PM and Obama is scheduled to speak in the Rose Garden (Obama calls it his "Weed Garden") about Gaddafi in a half hour. I anticipate that he will manipulate reality and take credit--he isn't afraid of Libya, he's afraid of Islamists. 
Osama bin Hurtin'

As you probably know, in 1988, Gaddafi ordered the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 that killed Americans, 35 of them Syracuse University students, and many others over Lockerbie, Scotland. He was a very bad man. This dictator had been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, a disorder most easily diagnosed by clinicians when they feel animosity for their client and wonder why.  His disorder does not excuse him for what he had done and it is a good thing that he is dead. But Obama had nothing to do with it and his administration has allowed the death photos, even a video, to be aired today, but nothing at all on Osama. Perhaps it's because there is only a one letter difference to their names.

So my next paragraph will deal with the Obama speech. We are now only 5 minutes away from his brave new world words.

Done. The speech lasted about 6 minutes and did not mention France or England's role in their initial support, but gave credit to Americans. Obama called on Libyans to "secure their dangerous weapons," which has to do with those thousands of SAMs that were stolen, and he called for fair and free elections, and to treat their prisoners with compassion. He said that we did all this without having to put American boots on the ground, which I guess excuses him for not going to congress to request permission to do this. But had Obama made an earlier move, many more lives would have probably been saved.
You're next, GOP

Somehow I expect the Democrats make this a mighty victory for Obama, but that would be stretching the truth--a specialty of the liberals who don't need facts to make factual statements.

Wait!!! I just got word on Fox News that it was a US drone that hit the convoy and made Gaddafi flee into the sewer pipe where he was captured and later 'capped'. So Obama did it after all--I am so freaking surprised. I don't care if Obama is a socialist-Marxist corporatist or whatever. I don't care if he wants to be king of America for life. I am just so proud that my brave president had the audacity of hope to believe that we, as Americans, can defeat the forces of evil and endure.  Just kidding.

Jay Carney spoke at a press conference. His hair was neat and he wore a pastel purple tie, and a clean white shirt. He sounded tired and said nothing new or interesting--"Libya is in a far better place now," and yadda yadda yadda.

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