Saturday, September 17, 2011

Something Smells Fishy

A Democrat
Solyndra, Fast and Furious, and the testimony of AF General William Shelton who said the White House pressured him to change his testimony regarding Lightsquared, a communications company whose CEO was a heavy contributer to Obama's campaign, has brought questions about this administration's honesty. The proposed jobs bill and economic stimulus attempts by Obama bring more questions about our president's ability not only to run the country, but to even run a small company. But his shady relationships with people within these companies leads one to question our president's honesty. Gee, it would  have been nice if he was vetted before he being nominated by his party.

Barry has dreams of a world where the air is clean, the grass grows green, and there is total equality among men--so much equality, that the rich will no longer have more than those who have never worked a day in their lives. Cars will run on electricity, homes, for those who still have one, will be heated by something other than coal or oil, (maybe sunlight on sunny days, and wind power on windy days, moon power at night), and our great nation will remain as great as other nations like Greece and Italy, Spain and Saudi Arabia, where Islam, the religion of peace, is the rule of the day. 

And there will be those people who will vote for him in 2012 because they have always voted Democrat (ends in 'rat'), never Republican (ends in 'can') in their lives. They do not follow politics because they don't have the time or interest and believe it doesn't effect their lives. These people, of course, have very little going on between their ears.

Then there will be those who believe the Democratic party is morally superior to the Repubican party. They don't really know the history of both parties and how Lincoln, the first Republican, was elected to put an end to slavery. These same people who think they're better than Republicans morally, do not have a clue that it was the Democrats begat the Jim Crow laws. They don't know much about Dixiecrats and their racist beliefs, and their social club called the KKK. They even believe that Martin Luther King Jr. was a Democrat--he was a Republican. 

The reality is, the White House is having problems because incompetency breeds concomitant problems. When a community organizer/associate professor who has never had the experience of actually holding a job in the free market but has made his living in academia, is elected president of the United States, and is arrogant enough to discount the advice he has been given by his "experts," we have blatant incompetence. But he sounds good. He gives good word. He convinces young people that his dream of a "better America" is their dream--as if the America that his wife had not been proud of, for the first time in her adult life, was a bad country. 

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