Friday, September 23, 2011

Obama: Incompetent or Malevolent?

If Barack Obama is incompetent, then our nation is safe and it all ends well with the next election. If he is malevolent, then everything is going according to plan and the tanking economy is just his way of saying, "Hey folks, socialism can work for those of you who don't wanta work." (Don't you love his folksy word endings and pronounciations like, hafta, doin', feelin' and the rest of his garbage, when he's trying to be like you and me?)

One reason to think he might be malevolent is, a website created to keep checks on us folk, 'cause he hasta if he wantsta win. The video to the right is a parody of this infamous website. Imagine, the President of the United States creating a "Big Brother is Watching You" website to "fight the smears and attacks" and yes, the freedom of speech this country has always enjoyed. One might suggest that to create AttackWatch, Obama is running scared, or paranoid. But if Obama is malevolent, then, as Stella Paul says in her American Thinker article as cited by David Solway in FrontPage Magazine (click on the link below for full text): "the destruction that Obama wrought may ultimately dwarf the wreckage of 9/11." 

Americans, as I have often said, may be extremely tolerant, easy, and soft, but we're not stupid by a long shot. Many of us have buyer's remorse with the Obama administration. Those Americans who are willing to look beyond the lamestream media are feeling angst over Solyndra and Lightsquared. 

Many of us now know that Obama had his fingers in the cookie jar when he  invested $90 thousand in the Lightsquared, back when it was known as SkyTerra in 2005. He was put into the investment by a UBS broker at the request of George Haywood, another major investor in SkyTerra and a major campaign donor to the annointed one. When the Gray Lady (NYT) reported the investment in 2007, Obama claimed ignorance about the stock and said he lost money when he sold it. Today, Obama and Haywood are buddies as witnessed by the fact that he and his lovely wife were on the guest list for the India State Dinner. Okay, maybe this isn't a sign of malevolence, but it certainly is a sign of basic scumbaggery.

So let's look at the fact that his handling of the USA in world affairs has made us a potential source of global warming due to the number of American flags being burned throughout the world--particularly the Islamic world. As our president, he has discarded the US Constitution and had the audacity to call it an imperfect document. He has polarized this nation like no other president before him. Is it wrong to say he is in way over his head as the leader of the free world? That his policies have plunged us into a quagmire of problems from unemployment to a severe fiscal emergency? 

But if he isn't incompetent, then his socialist-Marxist philosophy is working itself out with a nation of unemployed and failed businesses that will need a nanny state to step in and provide sustenance. Of course, this would not come easy if it ever came to that point--it would come with destruction, death, and incredible suffering because it would take a revolution this country has never experienced before. It would make the Civil War look like a game of Cops and Robbers. (The Conservatives the cops, the Liberals the robbers--you know, something resembling real life.)

As Solway says in his article, the truth of who Obama is probably lies somewhere in between the two premises of malevolent and incompetence. His philosophy is clearly socialist , just like Mommy and Daddy. But his competence is clearly less than what a president's competence should be to run a nation. 

In a way, I see Obama as an idiot savant--a man who speaks like a god, but says nothing of substance. He is a pursuasive empty suit whose machinations may be sinister, but who has little substance beyond his concrete understanding of the philosophy he espouses. He attracts the liberal mind because one need only appeal to the emotions to do so. It isn't "What I can do," but "What I intended to do" that counts for liberals. Of course being anti-Semitic doesn't hurt you if you're a liberal--it makes great cocktail talk at Obama fundraisers.

So you decide--is Obama incompetent, malevolent, or both.
Obama: Incompetent or Malevolent?

On another note, if you are interested in terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links (below) for a hard copy (soft cover) edition and an eBook edition of my latest novel, Jihad Joe.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a New York based reporter, taken hostage by Islamic terrorists.  He must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.
click here for softcover Jihad Joe                     

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