Monday, August 29, 2011

It's a Surprise

 I just can't wait.  Any day now, any day, President Obama is going to share his plan with us, his peasants of his kingdom, and Louise Story, of the New York Times, is speaking on Greta's show and obviously is feeling the same tingle that Chris Matthews gets whenever Barack's name is mentioned. Story just mentioned that James Immelt, the CEO of General Electric, a guy she says is experienced with the jobs situation, and will be of great help to the Obama administration in solving this problem.  Immelt has already worked feverishly at sending jobs over to China as GE has opened a plant there and about 80 thousand jobs will be outsourced. Worse still is that he may be providing our Chinese debt-owners with important intellectual property of a military nature--specifically, aircraft information.

So why is Obama waiting until after Labor Day to tell us his plan?  Is it possible that he sees himself as a sort of Santa Claus of the country? (By the way, I never use the term 'sort of' and just had to try it out in a sentence). Or is it possible he has nothing to offer? Nothing, that is, that's different than the failed policies he already tried which have failed as badly as his presidency has failed. We shall see what Obama has to show for 3 years of regulations, Contitution trampling, and illegal alien butt-kissing-for-votes.  I believe he's having his crack staff (which they must be smoking) working on it as I write this.

Another surprise of the day is that in Wausau, Wisconsin, the socialists, er, Democrats, have forbidden Republicans to march in their Labor Day parade. The irony is not lost on me.  People who advocate entitlement programs for people who do not labor, will not allow people who do labor, and who want to cut back on entitlement programs, to march in a parade that celebrates labor. Is Wisconsin the country's most screwed up state, or what? If these leftists have their way, they will be forced to pay for the parade out of their own pockets as the law would allow for anyone to march.  Liberals are so intolerant you might just mistake them for Islamic extremists.

How airlines empty the toilet
Finally, Abdelbaset Mohmed Ali al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber, a killer of 270 people, is dying of cancer for the second time in his life.  Al, as his friends call him, is supposedly in a coma and is being given his last rites by his priest--oh wait--Muslims don't do last rites; they do jihad, and they don't have priests--they have imams who tell them to hate everyone who isn't a Muslim, especially Jews.  And when these jihadists die, they go to Paradise where they get to screw around for all eternity with no less than 72 virgins who somehow regrow their hymen after they are ceremoniously boffed by Al. They also get to be served by young boys who never grow old (sounds pretty gay, if you ask me), and in Paradise, the rivers flow with wine that never gets you drunk--what a waste of good wine.  

So is Obama pressuring Libya, who we have helped rescue from the grip of Gaddafi, to release Al to us so we can give him what he deserves? No. Obama remains Obamaesque and timid. He does not want to offend anyone, particularly our enemies. 

Obama is America's big surprise--all suit and a tie to Islam. Let's surprise him in '12 and make him a community organizer again.

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