Monday, August 15, 2011

Dinky Dow

Jus' ordinary folk doin' stuff
The term 'dinky dow' is a Vietnamese term meaning 'crazy.' Marines were often called dinky dow by the Vietnamese who knew us, worked with us in "the bush", or fought against us as Viet Cong in the Vietnam War. Today, dinky dow could just as easily translate as a crazy economic mishandling of our national budget. A budget that has not been updated under the Obama administration and a budget that cries out for our leadership to assuage the spending that has made our economy the property of the Chinese. All we have to show for our elected leadership is a congress who vacated Washington because vacations were more pressing to them than our national stability, and a president who, if he were a Marine Lieutenant during the Vietnam War, would have been "fragged" by his men for abandoning them in battle. But to think of Obama as a Marine Lieutenant is taking one's imagination beyond the brink of possible to the realm of ridiculous. Obama is worse than a dove on war--he's an embarrassment to the defense of our nation. He refuses to identify Islam as a threat, bows to a Saudi Arabian king, and has friends with communist histories and violence against the state. 

The American public has had enough with empty words and empty promises. Obama had stated emphatically when he was elected that if he could not get our budget deficit in order, within the first two years in office, he would step down--another empty lie. He refuses to take any of the responsibility for the fiscal situation, the dinky dow spending, and the fact that when he submitted his budget, it received not one vote, Republican nor Democrat. Yet his ego still will not accept that his failure to lead, his disappearing act when congress first met, has shown him to be the most ineffective president we ever had--Jimmy Carter is now second.

Smokin' a spliff
Patriotic Americans, particularly those from the Tea Party, who have the courage to point out what is wrong with the way things are running, are being called "terrorists" by the talking heads on the left. In the meantime, nobody on the left has offered any solutions. They would have us continue to do what got us into this mess in the first place, which is to keep spending, print money when you run low, and keep those entitlement programs going.

As of this writing, Obama's approval ratings have gone below 40% a hopeful sign of changes to come in 2012. I believe the American public is wising up to Obama's failures and his socialist agenda. I finally have hope for change.

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