Saturday, July 23, 2011

What is a Patriot?

 If you ask a liberal what is a patriot, you're likely to get a reply that doesn't quite answer the question: "A patriot is a person who doesn't have to go to war to prove he loves the country." or "It's a person who isn't afraid to speak out and protest about what's wrong with this country." (Scratch a liberal and you get hives.)

I recently got a tweet from a twit who seemed to think along these lines. This person, and I believe it was a woman because she "felt sorry for [me] and [my] hatred of liberals.," had responded to a blog I posted on Twitter entitled "Conservatives as Terrorists," July 8, 2011.   If the twit was a guy, he might have tweeted something more like,"UR a freakin moron who nos nuthin bout bein a patriot." Instead, I got the genteel whinings of a morally superior patriot-liberal, which, when you think about it, is an oxymoron.  The blog I posted was in response to Chris "I sleep with a nightlight" Matthews' statement that conservatives are the equivalent to terrorists.  I thought about what it is to be a patriot and the following are some of my thoughts.

A true patriot  stands tall when he or she hears our National Anthem, rather than bemoaning the fact that it's a "war song, glorifying killing." To a patriot, the 'Star Spangled Banner'  stands for American persistence and triumph. The words were written by a 35 year old attorney, Francis Scott Key, after he watched the bombardment of Fort McHenry by the British Royal Navy along Chesapeake Bay in the Battle of Fort McHenry in the War of 1812. The words from Key's original poem, "The Defence of Fort McHenry" later became our National Anthem.  The Anthem can still make me misty because I know what it's about. Our drive toward freedom and democracy is one of the things that makes  us special in the  world. Liberals don't see the United States as special, as Obama pointed out, anymore than Sweden is special to Sweden, Norway to Norway, and you get the picture. No, a real patriot sees the USA as special and yes, the best country in the world.

A real patriot sees our Constitution and Bill of Rights as two of the finest documents written by our founding fathers. The Constitution is not sacred, because it is open for amending, but its concept and Judeo-Christian foundation, makes it the most humane and thoughtful legislation ever written. Nothing comes close and nothing should replace it or be an addendum without the proper amendment proceedures. Liberals are trying to reinterpret the Constitution, and Obama has declared it to be a "flawed document," and this coming from a flawed president who has taken our country in the direction of socialism and Communism, like his mommy and daddy would have wanted.  

The woman who was upset with me questioned my patriotism. I used to feel offended when anyone would do that--after all, I'm a war veteran, ex-Marine, yadda yadda. But I have come to understand liberals better now. For a liberal, the status quo is never good--it must always 'evolve' and change because change is good, it is always for the better in their liberal emoticon brains. They want big government; they want entitlement programs up the wazzoo because that allows the lazies to be the sucklings of the state, and also creates millions of meaningless jobs that the taxpayers fund. A conservative is called out as a "terrorist" by idiots like Chris Matthews because we conservatives are sick of these entitlements being fed by the obscene taxes individuals and the corporations pay. The government was never, never, never supposed to do that to us. The purpose of the government was basically to protect the nation from foreign oppressors and deal with the infrastructure; it was not meant to create programs whose purpose is merely to do what is necessary to stay funded. I know this is the way it is--I worked as a psychotherapist for a "Medicaid Mill" in New York City and this was precisely their purpose. I had to leave. I even had to get out of the profession and eventually work at something I found to be more creative, satisfying and productive.

Finally, but not last, a patriot is a person who, if necessary, is willing to die for his or her country. We have millions of these people--they're called Republicans. The liberals are too busy defending the rights of terrorist (they don't call them terrorists, they're 'freedom fighters'), to die for the USA. When the going gets tough, the liberals get going in the other direction. They retreat faster and better than the French in times of war. They pretend to love the USA but they don't--their version of 'equality' is that no matter how hard we work for what we have, and how passive some are about work, we must all share the wealth in order to be equal. This is not called equality; it's called Communism. It goes against human nature and goes along with Obama's agenda. And because it goes against human nature, it is never instituted without bloodshed.  Check out China and Russia if you're not certain of this.  Funny how the rich socialists are willing for you to part with your money, but aren't willing to part with theirs. Don't believe Warren Buffet--if he was serious about having millionaires and billionaires "pay their fair share" to the government, he would have paid it without popular concensus from his rich buddies, because that would be the right thing to do.  But these phonies are even more willing to spend your money (see my blog on Nancy Pelosi "On Our Dime" if you want to open your eyes to liberal spending) than parting with their own money. A real patriot does what he or she believes is right for the country, and does it without having to wait for others to do it. I wont hold my breath for Buffet to make the move to his wallet.

Peace. Your comments are welcome.

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