Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Why the Mainstream Media is Like Hoover

No, not Herbert Hoover--Hoover vacuums. It's because they both suck. But the MSM cannot suck enough after what they did to Palin in the 2008 campaign against their darling, Barack Insane Obama.

The microsecond John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his runningmate, every liberal news agency sent out their crack SWAT team to Alaska to dig through garbage cans and look under rocks for any dirt they could find on the Alaskan governor. Faster than four shakes of Clinton's wee wee, the media became indistinguishable from Obama's presidential campaign as they claimed Palin cheated on her husband, faked her last pregnancy, fired the town librarian for refusing to ban certain books, lied about her opposition to the "bridge to nowhere," and didn't know that the Founding Fathers had written the Pledge of Allegiance. But the press didn't spare her family either--they accused her Iraq-bound son of being a juvenile delinquent and they also accused Todd, her husband, of using his political clout to intimidate the Alaska Public Safety Commissioner. Next they accused her 18 year old daughter of being something along the line of a slut for being pregnant and single. and Palin's sister was described as a bitter and miserable divorcee.

Now the media is chasing after Palin and she isn't playing their game. In fact, if she did play their game in the political sandbox, they would find a way to throw more sand in her face.

While these Palin accusations were being slung by the feces-throwing media, Joltin' Joe Biden was having problems of his own when a former business partner claimed he had defrauded him out of millions of dollars, and there were two lawsuits filed in June of that year; juicy reportage material, right? Of course, the Washington Post  buried this story and the New York Times  had not reported it by Election Day. The rest, unfortunately, is history. Imagine, if you will, what would happen if McCain's former partner sued him--you know the media would go crazy. Did they tell us about the sick racist rants by Jeremiah Wright, like when he claimed the whites invented AIDS to kill blacks?  Did the media talk about how Kerry lied about his participation in Vietnam, or were the 260 plus veterans lying about this wanna be hero?  They had mixed party affiliations, so what could be the reason? Did they ever mention John Kennedy's prostitutes or drug usage? What about Clinton, the Bill version, who went from woman-to-woman faster than he ditched his famous cigar? No, they buried that story when they had to, and went on Republican fishing expeditions instead. And when they couldn't prove G.W. Bush had a extra-marital relationship with some woman, did they retract the story? No. They never do, because once the damage is done, the emotions have already kicked in, decisions about the person have been made, so the truth just dries up and goes away.

The scariest thing about today's United States isn't simply that we have an anti-Semite/pro-Islamic president who balances the budget like Inspector Clousseau balancing 100 spinning dishes. The scariest  thing is that our values have been compromised. We cannot even trust election results, and we trust, even less, what our liberal politicians tell us. We certainly cannot trust the MSM if you're an objective person. The left laughs at people like Glenn Beck when he gets all teary-bleary talking about America. The left believes that America is nothing any more special than any other nation--Obama said that--it's called internationalism.  The right says America is the greatest country on earth--not perfect, simply the best; and that's the truth, period.

It's time for the MSM to hit the road and make room for the truth . . . because we can handle the truth and we hunger for it. Obama would have us all share our wealth, no matter how hard we've worked for it individually. It's ideas we should be sharing, and doing that with total freeedom of speech, good and bad. And if we need to remedy what we don't agree with, or don't want to hear, then we remedy it with more speech, not with a law calling it "hate speech." Obama is a socialist and he is very very dangerous to the American way of life.

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