Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Perfect President According to the MSM

Trying to talk out of both sides of his mouth
 He told the media how he had visited 57 states in the union and was about to visit one more. He told the Army how he had presented the Congressional Medal of Honor in person to a soldier who had been killed in action several years before. He told America how ATMs are taking away jobs, but wants to allow illegal immigrants legal status here, which will take away more jobs.  He said that Islam is a religion of peace and that we are not at war with Islam, and we will never be at war with Islam.   He says we're at war with terror, which is like saying we're at war with the Blitzkreig--terror is a tactic not an enemy.  Now he wants to close CIA interrogation facilities overseas, which will make it even more difficult to fight those who want us destroyed. He has appointed Tim Geitner, a tax cheat, to head the IRS--now that is the epitome of irony.

No other president before him has ever done so much in so little time as Barack Obama. I mean that in a horribly bad way, of course. And while Obama has called for "transparency" in office, no president in American history has less known about him than this man; and he has spent a fortune in legal fees to keep it that way.

Let's look at a few more facts that we actually know about Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, and how the media continues to act as his benefactor:

Fact: He wants to repeal the "Conscience Act" which means that health care professionals who find it morally objective to perform abortions will be forced to do so. While you may be pro or anti- abortion, one would hope you would allow for a person to exercise his or her conscience in this regard.
Fact: Obama was the first president in over 50 years to skip the ball honoring the Congressional Medal of Honor winners, but he did attend ten other balls that evening with his lovely Marxist wife, Michelle.
Fact: This president has called our Constitution a "flawed document." One must hope that his idea of a "perfect document" is not the Koran. We're still not certain of his background, but he has done nothing to protect the USA against Islamic terrorism that a Muslim would not have done, if he were president.             
Fact: He has bailed out GM and Chrysler Motors and is slowly socializing big business. His clear intentions are to socialize health care when, in the past, the USA had the best health care system in the world. Not perfect--just the best.
Fact: He now has us involved in four wars and wants to cut defense spending without a clear vision of where we are going militarily. He is not an organized leader, just a community organizer. 
Fact: He says he is going to be tough on North Korea regarding their nuclear program but has done nothing but sit back and watch it grow. Their weapons testing has become increasingly magnified and Obama sits on the sidelines and watches it worsen. And yet he still wants to reduce our nuclear arms. At least one can say that he's just as suicidal with the USA as he is with Israel--he plays no favorites when it comes to allegiences. 
Fact: He has released oil reserves that are to be used for emergencies only, but refuses to allow US drilling when we have some of the best resources in the world. This just might be a campaign move--but that would be disgusting, right?

The media is an incredibly powerful tool of the left. Michelle Obama praises the media for being so fair about her children and not attacking them. The media only attacks the children of conservatives, like Sarah Palin. The real news is coming from blogs like Red State, Gateway Pundit, and Pajamas Media. Very few print newspapers, like The Washington Times give a conservative point of view, and Fox News tries to be unbiased but I believe they are slowly moving away from the middle and toward the left, as evidenced on the way they've been reporting about Israel. But time will tell which way the chips fall. 

What I believe is obvious to most people now is the increasing irrelevancy of the mainstream media. Even pea-brained liberals with their tunnel-vision views are becoming disenchanted with the MSM because when you can often predict the take on any story, you become bored with the story teller. And that's what the MSM has deteriorated into--story tellers with their own consistent prejudices that throw truth and rationality to the wind. Let's face it; even the Republicans are afraid of the truth as seen in the Tea Party; especially the RINOs who are now being called out on their voting records, like Hatch and others. (RINO stands for "Republican In Name Only"). The Tea Party was scoffed at and not taken seriously until people began to realize that these "crazies" are really just a group of patriotic Americans who see the Constitution as the holy grail of government--there has been nothing better ever in existence--and they take offense to those, like Obama, who see it as flawed. They take offense, as do some Republican conservatives, that our president does not see America as anything special beyond what is special about other countries. They take offense to a president who pretends to be a Christian, but seems to have no Christian values and is not pro-life. They take offense to big government where the masses are seen as dependents on Big Brother. They take offense to how Illegal aliens are given special status that even goes beyond our own citizens as seen in the Dream Act.

I'll have 4 burgers, 3 fries, and a slurpee
Obama has done nothing of value for our country. He has no business leading us, and his lack of experience and innate ability shows. His heroes are people like Frank Marshall Davis, Chairman Mao, Jeremiah Wright, and Louis Farrakhan. Obama is very very bad for America. The only person I can think of who might be worse than him as president is Michael Moore. 

If you know of anyone worse, shoot a comment here.
If you are interested in terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links (below) for a hard copy (soft cover) edition and an eBook edition of my latest novel, Jihad Joe.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a New York based reporter, taken hostage by Islamic terrorists.  He must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.
click here for softcover Jihad Joe                     

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