Sunday, May 1, 2011

Wife Beating--It's All in the Wrist

I love my wife--she's really caring, warm, loving, and boy, can she cook too. Sometimes she leaves that little valve up on the tub spout which causes the shower to run. I like the spout down because when I first turn the water on, I wait until it's hot enough before I get in, but if the spout is up and it showers right away, I get all wet and my glasses get messed up too. So I spoke to her about this problem but it happened again. So I hit her lightly and that solved the problem.

I would never hit my wife, and that isn't because she might hit me back, but for some infidel reason, I think it's wrong. I think that it's wrong when any individual forces his or her will upon another by using brute force. I even think it's generally wrong to cause physical harm to another person, except in self defense, like when a terrorist tries to kill you and you kill him instead. I have no problem with that. But I have a problem with hitting my wife or any adult simply to get my way.

I also think hitting your child is a bad idea. My wife doesn't totally agree with me, but she's from India where when a father says (as per Russell Peters), "Somebody's going to get it," this usually means the listener, or kid in this case, is about to receive the back of Daddy's hand. 

The video is about Shariah (Islamic law) and explains how one should beat his wife--or in the case of Islam, we might say wives, as a man is permitted four wives and as many slaves as he has Viagra. There is a sweet gentleness about Islam--you beat her in front of the kids, and you don't screw up her appearance or you might need more Viagra next time when it's her turn to ride the camel. But Shariah deals with much more than how to abuse your wife--it even explains how to abuse your sister by getting twice the inheritance  than her when your parents die. Shariah explains the proper way to kill gay man--you don't behead him, you throw him from a serious height so he can think about it on his way down.

Liberals will continue to minimize the negatives of Islam and will continue to sing Kumbayah as they continue to support immigration and minimize the Islamification of Europe. Don't be fooled--this video is real, Islam is real, the danger to Israel isreal.

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