Friday, May 6, 2011

Hamburg Judge Upset with Merkel for Not Being a Dhimmi Like Him

 Hat tip to Jihad Watch.

May 6th:  In Hamburg, Germany, judge Heinz Uthman filed a criminal complaint against Chancellor Angela Merkel, for "endorsing a crime" after she stated that she was "glad" Osama bin Laden was killed by US forces. Even more frightening, a new poll reveals that a majority of Germans see no reason to celebrate the death of the world's second most prolific terrorist (the first being his spiritual leader, Mohammad, the prophet of Islam).  Thus, the concept of Shadenfruede, the enjoyment of the suffering of others, which is a German concept to begin with, is not the majority sentiment of Germany--feeling sorry for the savage bastard bin Laden is.

But judge Uthman went even further and wins the International Dhimmi of the Year Award after alleging that Chancellor Merkel's statement was nothing short of illegal and he filed a criminal complaint to that effect. The 54 year old dhimmi judge said, "I am a law-abiding citizen, sworn to justice and law," (sounding a bit like the announcer for the Superman TV series), and said that Ms. Merkel's words were "tacky and undignified." He cited section 140 of the German Criminal Code that forbids the "rewarding and approving" of crimes. What was left out of the complaint was that judge Uthman, as a boy, was a member of the "Thought Police" and "Dhimmies for Dummies," and, as a good dhimmi, felt it incumbent on him to proceed with the procedures.

So what is a dhimmi?  Wikipedia defines a dhimmi as: a non-Muslim subject of a state governed in accordance with shariah (Islamic law). Linguistically, the word means "one whose responsibility has been taken". That is, when Mohammad and his merry gang of terrorists conquered a tribe, those he didn't torture or behead, became dhimmies if they did not convert to Islam. These dhimmies had to pay a tax just to keep their heads, and this was called a jizya tax. Often, the person paid the jizya in a state of humiliation, because it wasn't enough for Islam to tax you like the government; they had to humiliate you just to feel like real men who conquered you. They would have the jizya-payer bow before them as they pulled his beard and took the money from his hand. This is the kind of man Uthman is--an appeaser of Islam.  And an appeaser, according to Winston Churchill, is "a person who will feed the alligator, hoping it will eat him last." Let's hope that people like Uthman, people who would see their country be taken over by outsiders who impose themselves upon you and feel superior by virtue of their cult/religion, are eaten first by the alligator. They deserve it.

So Germany, you have a choice. Let this appeasing dhimmi judge have his way with this stupid complaint that  insults the free world, or have Germany go down the toilet, where it seems to be heading anyway along with much of Europe. We should be allowed to feel what we feel and be allowed to express it.  Hey, who but the most frightened, most slithering slime amongst us, would not be happy to see Osama bin Laden dead? We should be handing out candy like they did in Gaza when the Sobel family was slaughtered--a baby decapitated, an 11 year old, his parents and sister killed in the name of Islam.

Grow a nutsack, Germany. Your woman Chancellor has bigger ones than you.

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