Saturday, April 30, 2011

United in Bloodlust: Fatah and Hamas Reach Agreement
Bibi: “Palestinian Authority must choose between peace with Israel and peace with Hamas” - Atlas Shrugs

United in Bloodlust: Fatah and Hamas Reach Agreement<br/>Bibi: “Palestinian Authority must choose between peace with Israel and peace with Hamas” - Atlas Shrugs

The symbol of jihad is not symbolic of inner struggle, of love for Allah, but the symbol and what it means is obvious.  It isn't about some kind of journey of the soul, jihad is about war, it's about the gun and the sword.  Of the two, the sword is favored as the weapon of choice because that is the weapon Mohammad used when he slaughtered his victims in order to get booty, sex, or power. Sometimes he would kill a man and his son, then take the wife as his slave or his own wife. It is said that Mohammad had at least nine wives and as many as twelve. He also had many slaves and he was allowed to have sex with all of his slaves because, well, he was Mohammad and he made the rules and called them Allah's rules.

The article link above is from Atlas Shrugs and it's a good one. It's tells of how Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist organization whose mission is to eliminate Israel (because Mohammad said Jews are hated by god), and Fatah,another Islamic group with the same goals, are kissy kissy feely feely again and will unite to, well you know what they will unite to do.

Let us not be fooled as westerners as to the agenda that is supposed to be in store for us too, not just Israel. Let us instead, be prepared. Remember, Mohammad was an equal opportunity hater--Jews were just at the top of his list. Next come Christians, then come gays, followed closely by lesbians, then apostates, atheists, and women could do better than Mohammad would have them do.

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