Friday, December 13, 2024

"Look, up in the sky. It's a bird; it's a plane; it's confusing"

By now we all know about the unidentified objects in the skies over New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. It's clearly unclear as to what they are but everyone has a theory. 

It has gotten to the point where some New Jersey homeowners are threatening to take matters into their own hands if the Biden administration doesn't do something real soon. The government says the drones are not a threat but they have no idea who is controlling them, so how do they know this?

New Jersey residents are as frustrated as Brian Mulvaney being restrained and hobbled in Boys Town due to the lack of real answers about the dozens of potential drone sightings and they're ready to swing into action somehow.

James Ward, a Jersey Shore Realtor, posted a video on Facebook that he claims shows "SUV-size drones" above Island Beach State Park taken Sunday. It's difficult to judge their size in the clip, which shows a number of lights hovering in the sky, but the light configuration--green on the port side; red on starboard, is evidence the drones come from good old Planet Earth and not from some distant planet.

"Dozens of SUV-size drones in all directions," the caption says. "Emerging at same time and flying over the ocean and then heading in different directions – what do you think?"

"A good shotgun will fix that problem," one commenter, obviously a Second Amendment supporter replied. 

"Why hasn't anyone shot one down to look for a serial number to trace it back to the operator?" another wrote. "I would think that could provide a clue."

"Semi auto 3 inch magnum 00 buck full choke!" yet another guy, obviously a duck hunter, wrote. 

Experts warn that it is typically illegal to shoot down a drone flying over a property. The Federal Aviation Administration told Forbes in 2016 that shooting down a drone is illegal under the same federal law prohibiting the sabotage of any other aircraft.

But my theory is that the government is testing us to see how far we will allow such an incursion to continue before we react. Perhaps this is Christopher Wrays last act as FBI Director and he wants to go out with a bang--literally.

I blame the government, although the source of the drones is a mystery. However, blaming the government is always a good bet, especially with the current clowns in charge.

Of course I have no clue what's going on "up there," but I suspect we're going to find out soon and I think the government is behind it for whatever reason they come up with to validate spying on us.

Am I paranoid, or are the paranoids coming to get us?

You tell me.

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