Sunday, September 1, 2024

VA women's college bans men students because they aren't women

Sweet Briar College, situated in Sweet Briar, Amherst County, Virginia, is an all-women's liberal arts institution. It is one of fewer than three dozen women-only colleges remaining in the United States, a significant drop from the approximately 250 women's colleges that existed in the 1960s.

The college recently enacted a policy that bans men from attending classes at the all-women school because it's an all-women's school and men are not women, according to facts. The policy makes Sweet Briar an outlier among women's colleges in the nation as it takes a novel approach in how they plan to ban men and avoid lawsuits.

The private women's liberal arts college stated that its policy originates from the legally binding will of its founder, Indiana Fletcher Williams, who passed away in 1900. According to Sweet Briar's leadership, the document mandates that the institution be a place for "girls and young women."

The phrase “must be interpreted as it was understood at the time the Will was written,” Sweet Briar’s president and board chair wrote in a letter earlier this month to the college community. Thus, 'women' sporting penises, or who were born with twigs and berries and had them removed, are not eligible to attend. And anyway, the school doesn't have a wrestling team, nor a football team in which a man can compete against a woman and beat them silly at their own game, so no loss for average athletic men.

But that isn't stopping virtue-signaling progressives from protesting the school's decision. They're calling it transphobic [as if they're frightened by men who wear wigs, dresses, and lipstick] as well as hateful.

The faculty of the school held a vote for the new policy calling for change which passed by a 48 - 4 margin because they recognize the differences between men and women and men who think they're women. The school's president seems to want to stay the course and now we must wait and see if the 144-year-old will of the founder, Indiana Fletcher Williams, will hold up in court. Ms. Williams died in 1900 and will have no say in her will.

Ms. Williams' will was unambiguous in one respect. She stated that Sweet Briar College was to be "a place for 'girls and young women.'" At the start of the 20th century, this directive seemed straightforward. The current president remarked that the will should be "interpreted as it was understood at the time the Will was written.” Since discussions about "gender reassignment" weren't prevalent or seriously considered around 1900, this appears to serve as a convenient loophole. Additionally, the policy requires applicants to "confirm that their sex assigned at birth is female and that they consistently live and identify as a woman."

However, Ms. Williams included additional stipulations in her will that complicate her legacy and might challenge the current president's efforts to uphold her wishes. The will describes the college as "a place for the education of white girls and young women." This led the school to seek permission from a federal judge to admit non-white female applicants after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was enacted. Furthermore, the will makes no mention of the rights of disabled applicants to attend. Indiana Fletcher Williams was clearly a product of her time, and her principles likely sound foreign to many on the progressive left today.

It's unclear what the outcome will be in court and whether the policy will remain in place or allow men who pretend to be women to attend. Progressives will claim that these transgender 'women' are merely looking for an education, but we all know it will "progress" to them using bathrooms, locker rooms, showers and the demand to compete against them on their sports teams and be housed with women in their dormitories, join their sororities and borrow their lipstick. 

There will be endless litigation and enrollment will likely be affected.

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