Thursday, September 5, 2024

Hamas threatens to kill hostages if IDF tries to rescue them

In October 2011, Israel took part in a prisoner exchange in which they released 1,027 prisoners in exchange for one Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit. Since his release and not counting October 7, 2023, hundreds Israelis have been killed and injured in various Jew-hatred attacks by Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, or individual Palestinian terrorists created by the political environment of the Palestinian Authority who uses a "pay to slay" program to encourage attacks on Jews. Examples are the knife, vehicle and shootings during the 2015 - 2016 "Stabbing Intifada," along with many rocket and mortar attacks emanating from Gaza.

Of course, the number of Israeli dead has soared after the October 7 attack. On that day, about 1,200 Israelis, mostly Jews, were killed and 253 were kidnapped. The victims were of all ages, including babies, women and children. They were mutilated, burned, beheaded, raped, and tortured by these sick terrorists.

And now we know that Hamas killed the most recent recovered bodies of those six individuals. They were shot several times in the head at close range as the IDF was getting close to their location.

Initially, Hamas claimed that hostages died as a result of IDF airstrikes. This was a lie. Now they admit that they have been killing hostages and will continue to do so if the IDF comes to rescue them. Still, the killers refuse to take responsibility of their actions, blaming Israel for their barbarism and morons in the West agree with this twisted logic.

In a Telegram post, the spokesperson for Hamas’ armed wing, the al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Obaida wrote, “Netanyahu and the occupation army alone bear full responsibility for the deaths of the prisoners. They deliberately obstructed any prisoner exchange deal for their own narrow interests, and intentionally killed dozens of prisoners through direct airstrikes.”

 No Abu--that's on you and your fellow scumcrumpets.

It's easy for anyone, including me, who doesn't have a loved one in Hamas or Gaza Arab captivity to say the IDF needs to press on. But what has capitulation gotten Israel? Here's what it got: delay. 

It's the old feed the alligator and hope it eats you last.

I know a lot of people will disagree with me here, but I believe Israel needs to win and to do so they need to finish the job of destroying Hamas. Of course they also need a plan for the day after and that might mean taking some sort or military control over Gaza, some kind of monitoring. Without Hamas and the PIJ, Israel stands a chance at surviving. But allowing Hamas to call the shots is suicide because they have promised to attack Israel "ten thousand times" if that's what it takes to destroy the Jewish State.

Israel does not need another Gilad Shalit situation. Israel needs to destroy Hamas, kill Sinwar and those who serve him. The only thing Hamas and their ilk understand is strength.

Am Yisrael Chai!

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