Monday, September 9, 2024

Former Democratic state senator forced chief of her staff to perform sex contortions that hurt his back, hip: lawsuit

A Democratic turned Republican California state senator, Marie Alvarado-Gil, forced a former staffer to perform sexual acrobatics for her while he worked for her as part of a "quid pro quo relationship." This left the man with serious back and hip injuries as a new lawsuit alleges.

Alvarado-Gil's former chief of staff, Chad Condit, served her with the lawsuit last week. It alleges that she, a former, longtime Democrat who recently became a Republican, pressured Condit to perform sex acts on her while traveling to work.

Condit, a married man, claims he gave in and performed the contortions on his boss over the years as part of a "sex-based quid pro quo relationship" in order to retain his job, according to the suit, which was filed in Sacramento Superior Court.

During their final act, Condit alleges he suffered a debilitating back injury while having to “twist and contort” [like he did last summer] as he performed oral sex on the senator in a car — leaving him with three herniated discs and a collapsed hip, [and her with a horse voice from screaming], the court papers charge.

Condit claims he started using his back injury as an excuse to reject Alvarado-Gil’s advances in August last year but she allegedly retaliated and handed him a disciplinary letter with accusations of inappropriate behavior leveled against him. Evidently, she views sexual acrobatics as necessary and appropriate behavior and Condit wasn't doing his job.

Condit now alleges he was fired in December after repeatedly making clear that the sexual advances were no longer welcome and that he was undergoing back surgery, according to the suit.

“This was a sex-based quid pro quo relationship of unwelcome advances and sexual behaviors coupled with punishment and flexing of power,” the suit alleges.

Alvarado-Gil is portrayed in the suit as an “erratic” and “controlling” boss who allegedly inflicted a “sexually dominating abuse of authority and power” over the married aide.

Condit, who is the son of former Congressman Gary Condit (D-CA), first started working for Alvarado-Gil when she ran for her Senate seat as a Democrat in 2022. He became her chief of staff when she was elected.

Alvardo-Gil’s attorney, Ognian Gavrilov, has since hit back at the former aide’s allegations.

“A disgruntled former employee has fabricated an outlandish story, presented without evidence, to get a payday,” Gavrilov said in a statement to The NY Post.

“We expect that the senator will be fully cleared of any wrongdoing of these bogus, financially motivated claims.”

Meanwhile, Condit is still married but we don't know for how long, if the allegations are true.

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