Thursday, July 18, 2024

Biden suddenly gets COVID and now being "receptive" about giving up re-election campaign

PINO Joe Biden first said he would consider dropping out of his re-election campaign if G_d told him to drop out. Then he suddenly got "the COVID" and slowly made his way up the sloped stairs of Air Force One and headed back to Delaware, forgoing a rally he was to attend at a Nevada mumblefest

Now our alleged President said, privately, that he is being "receptive" about the possibility of dropping out of the 2024 campaign, so says a senior Democratic adviser. 

Vice President Kamala Hahaharris refuses to "25th Amendment" him as he is unable to carry out his job as President, and she is probably hoping he runs, wins the election, and maybe hands over the job of President to her, one way or another.

However, I strongly believe that Joe is setting the stage for his retirement because he is being forced out.

Joe bids us a fond farewell

And now we have Michelle Obama, the lady who was amazed that Americans revered the American Flag on Veteran's Day in 2020, claims that she hates politics and would never run for POTUS. "All this for a flag?" she said. 

But I have a gut feeling--and I very well could be wrong and I probably am--that at the last minute she will become her party's heroine and agree to run against the evil orange Hitler. It will be the show of shows to call up the emotions of the empty-headed Democrats who would vote for anyone with a "D" after their name.

I hope I'm wrong, but don't be surprised--my gut is often correct.

What happens to Kamala is anyone's guess. She might stick around in politics or blow away in the methane of her mind.

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